DW 410

Jun 15, 2008 00:11

Look at me actually watching Who on a Saturday (still, for a couple more hours)! Awesome ( Read more... )

doctor who

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Comments 11

somedaybitch June 15 2008, 07:45:52 UTC
"Please eat my brains, I've no other use for them."



adafrog June 15 2008, 15:16:29 UTC
Oh, I hated the shrill lady. She went ballistic sooooo freaking early when just before she was telling jokes and laughing. So ITA with you that it had better be the whatever messing with their heads. And the big man, wanting to throw everyone out the airlock was way annoying. Actually, it reminded me a lot of the Mist, so I kind of knew what was going to happen, in a way. (Maybe that decreased any enjoyment?) Poor Doctor, being himself, and getting so completely screwed.
I really enjoyed the Confidential, which made me think a lot better of the ep.


themonkeycabal June 16 2008, 21:44:15 UTC
There was so much shrill, and it went on for so long, and it came on so suddenly. So irritating.

Poor Doctor, being himself, and getting so completely screwed.
The Doctor's reaction to being overtaken by the alien, or whatever, and then the people, was so fantastic, so brilliant, that it alone was pretty much what kept me from flat out loathing this ep. Well, and the, what, first five-ten minutes? Allons-y.

I really enjoyed the Confidential, which made me think a lot better of the ep.
Hmm, I don't usually watch the Confidentials, but maybe I should try this one.


adafrog June 17 2008, 15:22:53 UTC
It was a good confidential-talked a lot about the sound people, and how this was a conplicated ep sound wise. Also, got to see the shrill lady when she wasn't acting, and really made me admire her skills.

Wasn't he great when he was being taken over? I love him when he's all emo-like when the Master 'died.'


tyria83 June 16 2008, 06:11:20 UTC
Once again, you've hit all the high points, or low points, as the case may be, of an ep I really disliked. (Mind if I friend you, BTW? There seem to be very few people in fandom with whom I agree lately.)

I should have liked this episode, and I started out really enjoying it, but then it all went downhill. Like you said, the acting was superb throughout, and the story was intriguing, but..... something just didn't work.

I think this episode needs a "that's impossible" drinking game. Except, at 22:41 I'd be drunk. Good plan -- y/n? Y. Definitely Y.


themonkeycabal June 16 2008, 21:52:32 UTC
but..... something just didn't work.
I think for me, at least in part, it was the sudden onset stupidity, with added shrill and hysteria (that went on, omg too long), and the raining anvils of "gosh, humans are bad! evil! monstrous! just look what beasts they are!" Bored now, Rusty. There was no subtlety to it.

And, yeah, I liked the beginning, I had high hopes, or, at least, some hopes. Ugh.

Mind if I friend you, BTW?
Oh, please do feel free. I shall do the same. I've felt strangely off-kilter fandom-wise this year, too. Fandom loves something, and I really don't. Fandom hates something, and I sort of love it. Usually I'm less opposite. It's weird.

Plus, of course, you have a Gromit icon, which is clearly the best thing ever.


elisi June 16 2008, 15:17:29 UTC
I think that unexplained alien was you cause you got inside my head and wrote down all *my* reactions. Really kind of freaky.


themonkeycabal June 16 2008, 22:37:55 UTC
Heh. I'm just relieved I wasn't alone in my loathing/dislike/mehness (it fluctuates, depending on how I'm feeling at any particular moment). I was doing who_daily and the reaction was so generally positive, I started to feel badly for disliking it so, like I was missing something. But, no, the more I think about it (and this is one of those eps that I can't let go, because there was potential that was totally missed and now little things just keep popping to irritate me all over again), I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything, and that it was, in fact, a mediocre to crap ep.

That was in no way a denial of my potential alienness, btw.


elisi June 17 2008, 06:40:52 UTC
Heh. I'm just relieved I wasn't alone in my loathing/dislike/mehness
Same here. When I'd finished watching Saturday night, I thought to myself 'well clearly the 10th eps are cursed this year' - and was somewhat thrown by the almost overwhelming squee that greeted me when I checked LJ the following morning. And I've read lots of meta now (and can see all the stuff that's there), and I appreciated the cleverness and skill of copying the voices, and thought DT's acting was great, but... The kids watched it yesterday and I wanted to throw something at the screen to stop everyone being stupid. (If just someone - like say, the very clever Doctor - had suggested getting out a pen and paper I would have felt so much better. I think that's one of my major complaints - the Doctor kept *saying* how clever he was, but never showed it. *I* worked out that the alien was copying to learn within seconds.)

I could grumble lots more, but I rather liked this post. Just gave the thing some *context* rather than being idiotic for the sake of 'humans ( ... )


themonkeycabal June 19 2008, 02:31:28 UTC
but I rather liked this post.
Oh, that is interesting. I hadn't seen that (or, you know, caught that at all -- I pay attention good). Well, that's something, I guess.

If just someone - like say, the very clever Doctor - had suggested getting out a pen and paper I would have felt so much better.
I can't stand characters being stupid for the sake of pushing the plot along. It's like Donna stuck in the TARDIS, completely stymied by what to do with the mobile. Well, for god's sake, call directory assistance! Where you, or where you not, super!temp?

See? I am *easy* to please!
Normally I think I'm pretty easy, too. I liked LotTL, myself, until the Face of Boe thing, and then, I don't know, my suspension of disbelief was blown spectacularly apart, or something. I'm still not entirely over that. Maybe I'm more high maintenance as a fan than I've thought. Oh, dear. Except, it's not really so bad to say that I truly don't care what they do so long as it makes sense -- or at least nods to sense in passing -- right?


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