DW 410

Jun 15, 2008 00:11

Look at me actually watching Who on a Saturday (still, for a couple more hours)! Awesome.

Still, though, it's a Rusty ep, and I'm always a bit ... hmm ... I dunno, wary I guess. Only, not exactly wary, more resigned to the knowledge that it could go either way really desperately. When he hits, it's awesome (Utopia), when he misses, it's dreadful (Love and Monsters).

"I said no." Heh. How well does Donna know him? Like terrifyingly well.

"It's no fun if I see it on me own." Aw, Doctor, you're adorable. It's true, though, it's no fun seeing awesome stuff alone. I watched the sun rising over the Grand Canyon with a deer once -- terrible companion, only wanted to look at me all askance and eat the trees.

"I'll be back for dinner and we'll try that anti-gravity restaurant ... with bibs." Heh. Is that our obligatory "Mr and Mrs. Doctor" shout out? It's the best of the lot, if it was.

"Oh, and you be careful, alright?" How well she knows him. It's almost like she knows he's really a giant four year old with matches and she shouldn't let him off on his own. Because he is, and she shouldn't.

"What could possibly go wrong?" Well now, that's just ... he knows better than that. I'm gonna have to say he said that on purpose. Clearly nothing he likes more than taunting fate.

Wow, loads of complimentary stuff. The last flight I was on the only thing complimentary were the wings on the plane.

"Complimentary peanuts. I must warn you, some products may contain nuts." Heh. He looks so excited here. Aww, adorable Doctor is adorable.

Midnight has no air, and yet fire exit? That sounds like some rather questionable planning.

Retrovids of Earth classics -- oh, Rusty, stop it.

Four hours ... I mean, aside from the obviously Gilligan nature of this, surely there's a better, faster way to get to these falls in whatever year this is. Especially as the view there is shielded (yeah, yeah, toxic sunlight). That's sort of crap.

Heh. Doctor's best use of the screwdriver in ages. Though the "let's talk to each other" bit was very Doctor, that sort of thing makes me as a person break out in hives. I know I'd be the worst companion ever, I mean I'm very resigned to that -- worse than the deer, even -- but, really ... socializing with strangers *shudder*

"I've done plenty of that. Traveling on my own. I love it. Do what you want, go anywhere." Liar (the love it part). And anyway, when traveling in company when have you ever not gone where you wanted and done what you wished?

"I had a friend, went to a different universe." Well it's not like she did it to get away from you, you big emo goober. Bless.

"Oh, what's this -- chicken or beef?"
"I think it's both."
Heh. Okay, the fun chatty time is actually very amusing. I'd still avoid it like the plague were I there, but it's amusing.

Slide show ... heh.I like the prof's enthusiasm. It's charmingly overbearing.

"We're stabilizing the engine feeds. Won't take long."
"Um ... no." Hee. "Sorry, I'm a Doctor, I'm very clever." Yes, yes *pats him on the head*. Donna will give you a cookie if you get back without being horribly murdered.

"What sort of shadow?" The horribly murdering kind, I'm sure. That's what you get for going on about being the first things ever to be there.

"I don't need this. I'm on a schedule." What? So why take the eight hour school tour, if you're on such a tight schedule. And, wow, to the everybody turning snippy really freaking fast. Which I know they do ... saw a guy blow a gasket 'cause they changed our gate once. I'm so sorry you were inconveniently forced to shift your lazy ass down a flight of stairs and twenty feet to the left. Dreadful! Horrible! Cruel torment! This is why I don't like being social with strangers. Well, that's one of the reasons.

Do you know, I've see people complain about shouty Doctor, but it's never bothered me -- half the time when I read that I think "wait, he shouted?". There's no real point to that except to segue into -- sometimes to back up the shouty, you do need sucker punchy Donna. Like, here for example. I miss you, Donna!

"Is there something out there? Well, anyone?" Right, lady, they're all in there with you, they know roughly what you know, so how could anyone possibly give you the answer for which you're clearly desperate?

"The light out there is extonic. That means it would destroy any living thing in a split second." *sigh* How are we defining living thing? Human? Humanoid? Bugs? Birds? Amoeba? Giant hungry diamond lizards? Very, very irritated tulips? Carbon-based? Silicon-based? Madeupicon-based? Mostly water? Mostly gas? Mostly fictionalonium? Come on!

"It's cast iron, that door." I hope not. Surely the whatever-century can do better than that.

Oy, sedatives for everybody! Please.

"It's coming for me. Oh, it's coming for me." Please, God, yes. Jeebus. Stop the shrill.

"Arms, legs, neck, head, nose. I'm fine." What about your ears, Doctor? Fingers? Tongue? How will you be able to tell what anything's made of if your tongue's gone, eh?

Whoops! Missed Rose again. So close. Not that he needs the distraction right now, though. Can you imagine? I think we'd see the Doctor's head nearly literally explode. That would actually have been pretty entertaining. Not the exploding part, I mean just his reaction. Moving on.

I appreciate the hostess trying to stay calm. Valiant in the face of annoying people. Doomed to fail, but trying. I salute you, hostess person.

"I'm sorry, they've been reduced to dust." Bummer.

I don't really care for any of these people now, except maybe Dee Dee, who seems sweet and clever and not given to shrill panic. For the moment. Subject to change, I guess.

The repeating thing is a little disturbing.

"But that's impossible." Oh, put a sock in it Prof. I might take back sort of liking you earlier.

"Make her stop." Well, if you'd SHUT UP she couldn't keep copying you, could she? What is it with Rusty and shrill, stupid women?

I think this episode needs a "that's impossible" drinking game. Except, at 22:41 I'd be drunk. Good plan -- y/n?

"Oh, Doctor, you're so handsome, yes I am, thank you." Hee.

Seriously, though, this shrill hysteria is not entertaining.

"We must not look at goblin men / we must not buy their fruits / who knows upon what soil they fed / their hungry, thirsty roots."
"... actually, I don't think that's helping." Ha!

"Nothing can live on the surface of Midnight."
"Professor, I'm glad you've got an absolute definition of life in the universe, but perhaps the universe has got ideas of its own." THANK YOU, DOCTOR. ILU! Goodness that was irritating me to, perhaps, an unreasonable degree.

Sky is extremely sort of creepy. All underlit and what. Well done.

"Oh, like you're so special."
"As it happens, yes I am." Heh. And yet, again, seriously Rusty, the harridan thing -- stop it. Tiresome. Cannot form ... complete sentences ...

"We should throw her out." And the hostess cracks suddenly and bizarrely. How'd we get from "she's creepy, yet sick" to "throw her out to certain DEATH!"? And everybody else jumps on board.

Right, well, the acting is really fantastic, and the story is intriguing, but I'm finding everybody irritating and unpleasant and frankly I'm hoping for some sort of human-specific/time-lord-exempt fire. That's one of the problems I have with Rusty -- he can do great character, but sometimes his characters, though well drawn, are just so unappealing (see: Casanova).

"I'm just traveling. I'm a traveler, that's all."
"Like an immigrant?" I ... what the unholy fuck? No, really, what? Does that even make sense? "Must ... shoehorn in ... random ... social commentary! Must!"

"Nobody's called John Smith." Well, you know, I have to sort of agree. Doctor, you really need to come up with a better pseudonym. Alvin Turnbuckle, or something -- nobody'd doubt that one.

Really, the mirror speaking is very, very awesome. Ah, and the transfer to the Doctor ... his change in voice is nearly chilling -- sort of soft and helpless, and then the whole near shaking with the, what? trying to resist? Tennant's the best thing ever.

"Oh, it's alright, I've got you." Forget all about that bit two minutes ago where I was going to toss you out the airlock. Everything's a-okay now, because I'm too stupid to realize that you're probably still all alien and whatever. Please eat my brains, I've no other use for them.

This is a really well lit episode. I love Sky being the one who's spot lit in amidst all the rest of those losers.

Aww, teary-eyed Doctor. :,(

Wow, Dee Dee needs to go into sucker punch mode and pop the Prof one.

"That's how he does it. He makes you fight. He creeps into your head, and whispers. Listen." I would certainly hope that's behind the staggering idiocy.

Poor Doctor, all teary and can't move as he's being dragged. That's terrible.

I like her almost gleeful look at "cast him out, into the sun, and the night." Creepy, and well done. This actress is brilliant.

I like Jethro here, too (sorry about the name, pal. ouch), being all torn. Like he's fighting it.

Aw, and the hostess sacrifices herself. Oh ... well, there you go. I liked that tying to her bit earlier about how it was her job to see that the vehicle was safe. And she followed through. And the countdown -- it took me a second to remember why she was counting down.

"I said it was her." Oh, shut up, you stupid bitch. Please take your mum issues with you when you leave, Rusty.

Aw, Donna can see it in his eyes, his big emo puppy dog eyes, and she greets him with a big hug. Bless Donna. She'da been there, she'da had everybody stapled to their chairs right quick and had it sorted.

Overall, I feel a bit meh about it. The acting was fantastic, the story was intriguing, but ... I dunno. The shrill went on unexplained for too long. I mean, if we did get an explanation in the whole "he gets in your head" thing. Some areas vague works, some areas it doesn't.

Well, it wasn't "Love and Monsters", so there's that. Otherwise, though, a world of meh. Meh! Meh!

doctor who

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