(no subject)

May 23, 2006 16:41

Internet connection has been spotty the past few days, because it rained or something. We've always had the most crap-ass internet connection here, though. You'd think we lived in the boonies or something, rather than 21st-century SoCal.

On the one hand, temperamental internet connections take care of that sullen crankiness at fandom I subjected the flist to a few days ago. On the other hand there is now the potential for another sort of irritability. To counter that, I broke out both the playstations and became completely non-productive. Go me.

I dreamt last night that some of the TWoP mods and recappers found my lj and my snarking of the recaps and they got rather shirty and self-congratulatory in my comments. I apologized profusely and then renamed everything in my lj and all my tags "twop sucks ass" or something similar. Because in my dreams I'm apparently 13.

Watched the Alias finale last night. It was ... okay, I guess. They get points for trying to tie everything up, I suppose, though many things made little sense. But then, it is Alias and when did things ever make sense? Mostly I think I'm just sort of relieved it's finally over. It never really lived up to the promise of the first two seasons, but I'm beginning to suspect that that's just a JJ Abrams hallmark.

Well ... that was thrilling. I think I'll go kill things now. Or, no! I'm working on my challenge fic. Yes, yes, I am. Watch me work.

they mostly come out at night mostly, casa de guppy

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