12/15/09 - AC360

Dec 15, 2009 22:05

Tuesday liveblog! (Tonight will be a bit sparse as I feel unwell.)

1) Anderson shows us a CT scan of his heart to show us how CT scans deliver radiation, and a new discovery that CT scanners are not consistent in their radiation use and can deliver enough to be harmful, cause cancer. The researchers predict that 29,000 future cancers could result from scans conducted in 2007. Anderson is at the smaller Magic Wall to show us the numbers and pictures and such.

We also have a CT scan of Sanjay's heart. Sanjay is in a taped segment from earlier (in a pink tie to Anderson's purple) saying that these are projected numbers and theoretical. They extrapolated from cancer rates from atomic bomb sites. CT scans, also, are not supposed to be just done for looks, only for specific problems, and that there's risks and benefits for every procedure.

2) Joe Lieberman, "possibly the most hated man on Capitol Hill." Forcing the Senate under his thumb, basically, by threatening a filibuster. There's vote balancing going on with Nelson, too, who wants Stupak-ish abortion language. Anderson's in front of the Wall again with a seating chart for some reason.

And Dana Bash interviewed Joe Lieberman earlier, who says that it's "poppycock" that any of this is personal petty behavior. Dana Bash asks him how he feels being despised. He says he doesn't want to push the bill too far.

Plus he says he could be open to running as a Republican next time. This man is the head of a committee (by Democrat appointment).

ETA A panel here. Dana Bash, Tanay Acker from HuffPo who points out Lieberman's hypocrisy in opposing things he used to support, and Michael Gerson, former Bush speechwriter, who says influence is not a popularity contest.

3) Random outtakes from Anderson interviewing Larry King about interviewing some women, idk.

4) More about healthcare. Obama's remarks about not pleasing everyone. And back with the panel.

5) Tom Foreman's Bulletin. Guantanamo detainees moving to Illinois. A recall of Roman-style blinds. Oral Roberts died from complications of pneumonia. The D.C. City Council has approved same-sex marriage, but Congress has to approve it, because for some reason Congress is ultimately in control of D.C. as a city. Octopi working with coconut shells, Tom makes a Spongebob reference and Anderson says "Careful, you're dating yourself."

6) Another moment with Larry King.

7) Earmark segment. The recent spending bill has some pet projects which seem a bit off. Lawmakers are more worried about asking for pork now that they're legally required to disclose their requests. $750,000 for the World Food Prize Hall in Iowa, etc.

Cochran of Mississippi gets a lot of money since he is on the appropriations committee, Shelby of Alabama has a lot, as does Inouye of Hawaii, Murray of Washington, Reid and Pelosi. Power = money.

ETA Senator Bayh is here talking about his opposition to the bill and his call for Obama to veto it.

8) Nominations for the Golden Globe awards. Oh, Larry King was interviewing the cast of Nine. Footage from that and Anderson interviews Larry King about the interview.

ETA Anderson has the Joaquin Phoenix album of Johnny Cash covers.

9) Second Bulletin, which I missed frantically downing some Advil after my roommate reminded me I have a giant-ass box in my drawer that I had completely forgotten about. *facepalm*

10) Beat 360! Anderson is pleased as usual. It's Obama at a Home Depot. Anderson attempts to do a Voice of some sort and makes a drum-cymbal noise at the jokes.

11) The Shot, which Foreman is handling. Ahh, apparently Anderson has been filling in for Regis on Regis and Kelly this week, which I have totally missed.

This morning Anderson asked Kelly why women have their eyebrows shaped. Kelly says that eyebrows are something that people don't realize they've gone too far, and Anderson giggles. He is also o_o over lip injections and does some kind of bizzare impression of giant lips.

politics, anderson cooper, liveblogging

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