With the Report in the Gulf this week I have decided to liveblog The Daily Show and Colbert Report. Because I love Jon and Stephen both equally.
I was going to make this public except I can't figure out how to override my default security settings. It let me, just now. Hmm.
Jon looks very energetic tonight.
Ugh, Fox makes me retch. Seriously people WTH... OH MAN Jon's guest... as soon as she said "I want to get those motherfuckers" I knew Jon would have to make some sort of 'i think i love you' comment XD
I realize now that, even though TCR was filmed in advance, Jon couldn't react to anything because technically it would be a spoiler for the upcoming show... I wonder if he will do more reacting to Stephen tomorrow now that an Iraq show has aired.
CASUAL!STEPHEN UNF. Golf club = Bob Hope reference (Bob Hope did tons of USO shows) j;alskdjf;lasdjkf;sadkjf alsd CAN NO LONGER HANDLE THE AWESOME
^_^ I am so proud of him too, this is wonderful!
The Fox clips were especially absurd tonight. His guest was great, though, I love it when he and a guest really hit it off.
Ahhh...yes, that makes sense. I want a Toss teasing him about his hair XD That wouldn't be too much of a spoiler!
Ahaha the awesome is overwhelming! I just realized...we got Casual!Jon and Casual!Stephen in one night! What are the odds?
:D Here's to a great week of shows. (I need a new Stephen icon from one of them...)
Casual!Jon + Casual!Stephen = heaven <3_<3
I will be making icons first thing in the morning once the episode is available online!!!
Yay icons! ^_^ Btw do you know of like a Fake News icon community or something? I don't know where people get so many.
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