"There are two types of people: fog people, and sun people," said the old man.
"What kind are you?" he asked.
"I don't know..." said the boy.
"That's okay," said the old man.
"Fog does that to you."
monday isn't til tomorrow but i can already feel it looming.
in my dream life, i can set the pace of each day based on the kind of
earrings i put on.
i should remember that even if it seems like a fast forward kind of day, i still have a choice to stop, even just a quick pause, to rewind, to remember.
i have decided that this month's bedtime reading is something light, for a change.
and nothing beats looking up your bookshelf, knowing there's a neat little row of
notebooks waiting for me to write on them or to give them away.
and that i have a much coveted book on hand-written
thank you notes to remind me to keep the faith in writing, and to bask in gratitude.