Monday! :D

Jul 09, 2012 15:53

You know, I have to be jealous of my roommate. He's been dubbed Little Ryan by the way.

See, I've been going to a particular Sobey's for a couple of years now and been flirty and conversational with a couple of the cashiers yonder (Which makes me kinda really scummy I know, but moving forward).

And last night as he's getting groceries with us he wanders over to one and she's chatting him up and smiling and batting eyelashes and I'm all *Sigh* So I start ribbing him about this on the way home and he tells me that this is kind of a common occurrence with a couple of them.

Couple of them.

Common occurrence.

*Shrug* Well, I guess that's just the way of it lol

Anyway, in a totally different direction, I finally have my bike in working order again. Thank the gods. Cost me less than $6 too! :D My legs, as tired and full of "Fuck you Ryan!" as they are, are kinda overjoyed at the fact that I can just pedal and boot'er and not worry about the tires or chains or anything slowing me down. Which is good because if I'm gonna lose any weight this summer, it's gonna be from biking. Speaking of biking and weight loss, I totally haven't lost any girth or poundage since this whole exercise and getting in shape plan I started a month or so ago :/ I'm fairly certain I'm still doing something wrong, probably diet related. *Sigh* Well, time to chin up and keep at it :D

brb, stirring butter chicken.

I'm planning on surprising Amy with supper for when she gets home :) And I totally just burned myself on the rice lol

Anyway, I'm gonna take off and work on this Troll Campaign :D Tonight I think I'll get a little gory and macabre...bwahahahaha.

Speaking of, anyway have suggestions for setting das mood, both in game and out?

manwhore, women, pathfinder, halifax

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