Aug 25, 2010 01:17
Ladies and Gents, lads and lass', monsters and fugly bitches...
I need your help.
You see I've succeeded in catching the attention of that lovely Cape Breton girl I like so much. Life is grand and peachy and full of roses.
Ahh, but there is a catch! I can't manage to convince her to be my girl. So sad and woe am I!
So my dear LJ and Internet friends, what do you think? Should she say yes?
On a serious not, I've replaced the old hotmail that was attached to my LJ with my gmail account. You know that thing I actually use? Yeah, THAT one. I never really stopped lurking and reading, but I figure I'll post now and again. Just to shake things up lol
I'm still poor as all hell. That's cool. Fine. Whatev's. All the cool kids are poor too so cha!
There may be a RIFTS game coming down the line to should be SUPER sweet...and full of power armor and dinosaurs and DEATH. Ok, there won't be any dinosaurs :p I'm trying to convert a dissatisfied D&D player, this girl I know, and maybe two other guys I somewhat. I'm thinking a Merc unit operating in Germany or trying to reuse my last campaign idea with Dinosaur Swamp and an intact Silver Eagle? I like both, but we'll see.
Anyway, I gotta run. Tired as fuck here. 07:00-14:00 shifts are the suck.
work sucks,