May 22, 2008 00:33
It's odd how one can be so motivated to write to a virtually non-existent audience.
I watched Iron Man for the second time today since Clay had yet to see it. It's even better with a second viewing; I'd place it firmly alongside X-2 and Batman Begins as the best comic based movies I've ever seen. If we include graphic novels, then Sin City takes top honours without any doubt in my head, but since we're not including graphic novels, X-2, Batman Begins and Iron Man it is. On the movie note, frustratingly enough, I still have yet to see Prince Caspian. It's been one of my most anticipated movies in ages and yet I still have two free passes burning up my wallet. In due time, in due time...
And no, I am not going to see Indiana Jones by my own will. I didn't like the first three either as a child or an adult and thus have zero interest in the new installment. However, I'm going along for the ride at the behest of Jennifer and and the fact that, for once, I do not have to pay. Otherwise I'd refuse to go. As it is though, I'll be seeing it sometime this weekend. Likely before I see Prince Caspian. What is the world coming to?
I started thinking about my second girlfriend Terrin today for the first time since not soon after our break-up in August 2005. It was only prompted by her sister getting in touch with me via MySpace. Since it was fresh on my mind, I started reminiscing about our time together; while she is not my favourite girlfriend I've ever had, my relationship with her was certainly the most successful I've ever had. Almost four years, discussions with parents on both sides about potential marriage arrangements, countless hours spent together and so on and so forth. The only reason it ended was a series of unfortunate events over the last three months of us being together. Far too much drama, confusion, hostility and eventually, resentment. It all ended up for the better I suppose; she's currently living with her girlfriend in the Woodlands according to her sister and I've learned a lot of life lessons between August 2005 and the present. While she may have won the relationship sweepstakes, I'm none too bothered by it. As long as she's happy I can manage. I remember November 2005 and how difficult it was to see Depeche Mode without her (Depeche Mode also happened to be her favourite band, thanks in great part to me) and how some of the songs on the setlist overtook me and almost shook me to tears. "Enjoy the Silence," "Precious," and "Home" were particularly guilty of this if I recall correctly. Wow, Depeche Mode really were anthemic to me during that period - August 2005: the break-up, October 2005: new album Playing the Angel featuring "Nothing's Impossible," which lyrically literally echoed every sentiment I had towards her at that point, November 2005: seeing them live for the first time, sans Terrin. Had "Nothing's Impossible" been on the setlist that night, which despite being my favourite track from the album to this day I was hoping it wasn't, I'd have lost it and been a headcase of sorts. Then again, I have plenty of positive and funny memories I hold dear; I remember senior year her telling me, in all seriousness, that if I ever had a shot at having sex with Miss Roth (our European history teacher who I had the most massive of crushes on) to take it, but be sure to videotape it for her and that it'd "better end in a huge mess all over Miss Roth," hahaha. Senior year was such a good year.
I'm still, of course, writing for a few projects, musically and just written word. I've been listening to far too much Skinny Puppy as of late (Jason and I having a lengthy conversation about them a few nights ago certainly didn't help, haha). Such an influence on me throughout the years they've been; far ahead of their time in terms of sound and what they could accomplish electronically and sonically and Ohgr to this day remains one of my all-time premiere frontmen. I've been having trouble writing anything that doesn't come off as blatant Skinny Puppy worship, haha.
Anyway, that's what I have to say for the night being. I'm fairly certain I'll be back soon with more random musings.