Apr 12, 2009 05:52
Mom and Dad,
I won't be joining you at church services this morning. I know it is Easter, but I've done a lot of soul searching and praying on my own this evening. I went to the beach on my own earlier and I prayed. I prayed for many things. I prayed for guidance, wisdom and protection. I prayed for health, happiness and the blessings that I've received.
I also prayed for forgiveness. I know I haven't been the most ardent, church-going individual these past years. God knows that. But I think He understands. I thanked Him at the beach earlier along the shoreline. I truly have been blessed and only feel that things are getting better.
Niki and I had an argument earlier tonight and it made me feel very depressed, very angry. It was my own fault and there's no need to go into further detail, but I've come to realize what a real blessing she is in my life. These past few weeks I've been alone and thought to myself, "Wow. I'm really happy to be alive right now. I love life." I love Niki too and I truly think she's been a major catalyst in my sense of self, well-being and overall turnaround in life in general. We really click and I truly feel that she's a blessing to me that I need to embrace with all of my heart.
So, with that being said, I hope you'll understand why I won't be at services today and I can sleep. I love you both and am eternally grateful that you have both been there for me through my life to guide me. Perhaps I don't say it often enough, but I love you.
Happy Easter,