Title: Path to Odin Part 2a(age 10)
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 019 White , (fanfic100), Philip Nichols’s Childhood.
Challenge: None
Characters: Philip Nichols, Royce Nichols, Edward Nichols, Miss Hawthorn
Characters mentioned: Gerard
Pairings: None
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: None
word Count: 818
Summary: What happened to make Philip Nichols want to become a cult leader? This is his untold story of what happened to make him want to start his own family.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: For Meg, as per her request.
Philip thinks his eye sight might have started to go the day of his mother’s funeral. They had a slideshow of pictures of her, and he couldn’t make out her face on any of them.
He had chalked it up to the fact that he was crying, but as the days went by his eyesight got worse. He didn’t tell anyone though, because he assumed that his father didn’t care. It wasn’t until two years later that anyone actually commented, though usually being invisible Philip didn’t know that the teachers actually noticed him sometimes.
When he realized they knew, he was sitting in his fourth grade Math glass, pretending not to hear Miss Hawthorne as she asked him to solve the question on the board, which to him seemed to be a blur of white chalk. She stared at him, and the only thing he could notice was that her navy blue suit seemed to be a little crooked in the skirt area. “Master Nichols, are you going to answer the question on the board?” She asked for the third time.
The class laughed delightfully, and Philip tried to sink lower in his chair. He wished that Miss Hawthorn didn’t have a rule about not going up to the board and answering the question. She was the only one allowed to touch her board. “I don’t know.” He whispered.
Miss Hawthorn walked towards him, “You knew how to answer questions like that on the last test, Master Nichols. You are disappointing me.”
The gong to change classes sounded. Miss Hawthorne walked to the front of the room, “Don’t forget to get your homework which is written on the board, and Master Nichols I would like to see you for a few minutes after class.” All the students piled out happily.
Philip put all his things in his knapsack, and slinked to the front of the classroom. The board came into view, and he groaned inwardly as he realized he could have easily solved the problem.
Miss Hawthorne gave him a sad smile. “You’ve always been a good student, Philip, and I know you try to easily hide in the background. I think your eye sight is failing you though, and I think you need to get it checked out. Don’t think I haven’t noticing you checking the board before you leave to get the homework.” She wrote something on a scrap of paper. She handed it to him. “This is a note for your father.”
Philip took the note reluctantly, and shoved it in his pocket, whispering “Four” as he left.
She knew what he was talking about, and didn’t comment.
After school, Philip slinked through the house. He stopped in front of his father’s study, knowing Royce would be in there working. He always came home just after the children got home from school, so that he could hear about Eddie’s day, because Royce didn’t know if he would end up working past dinner when he went back to work.
Eddie had already run in, and was sitting in the green chair in front of his father’s desk.
Royce Nichols looked up with a flash of anger, lowering his reading glasses, and realized that Philip was standing in the doorway. “Philip?” Royce asked, keeping his voice calm. “What can I do for you?”
Philip had stuffed the note in his pocket, he pulled it out. He smoothed it carefully and then walked towards his father. He couldn’t really look at his father so he dropped the note on his father’s desk, and step back to almost hide against the book cases.
As his father read, Edward stuck his tongue out at Philip.
Philip gave him a quick sneer, but he expected his father to yell at him any minute so he made sure that his face turned calm quickly so his father wouldn’t catch him.
“Your teacher thinks you need glasses.” Royce Nichols looked up at his eldest son.
Philip gave his father a quick nod.
“Well, I’ll see if Gerard can set up an appointment for you tomorrow, but you will have to make sure to catch up on all the schoolwork you will miss.” Royce kept his voice calm. It didn’t surprise him really, and he wasn’t going to punish Philip for this. The Nichols men were known for poor eyesight.
“Yes, sir,” Philip mumbled softly.
Royce wrote something down on the note, “Go give this to Gerard, he should be in the south wing.” He handed the note back to Philip.
Philip took the note carefully, “Yes, sir.” He headed out.
His father called to him as he reached the study door. “Thank you for telling me, Philip.”
“You’re welcome,” Philip answered before he slipped out of the room. He still had the feeling he was going to get in trouble over this, and he wanted to be out of the room quickly.