Profiler: Path to Odin part 2b

Aug 29, 2007 12:44

Title: Path to Odin Part 2b(age 10)
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 005 Outsides , (fanfic100), Philip Nichols’s Childhood.
Challenge: None
Characters: Philip Nichols, Gerard, Rebecca Pennywise
Characters mentioned: Royce Nichols, Daphne Robard-Nichols
Pairings: None
Rating: Pg-13
Warnings: None
word Count: 1222
Summary: What happened to make Philip Nichols want to become a cult leader? This is his untold story of what happened to make him want to start his own family.
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: For Meg, as per her request.

Philip sat in the front seat with Gerard in one of the smaller town cars. Philip was gazing out the window. He watched the trees passed by outside and wished that he could go out there and hide.

“It’s not a bad thing, Master Philip. I am sure they will make you look distinguished.” Gerard kept his eyes on the road, but could see out of the corner of his eye that the boy was sulking. Gerard wished that Mister Nichols allowed the staff to spend more time with the boy, even the nanny Rebecca “Penny” Pennywise was told to put more dedication into dealing with Edward. Mr. Nichols believed that Edward was worth more time and energy, because he thought he was a special child. The truth was Edward did need more energy but mainly because despite what Mister Nichols thought that boy was a terror.

Philip sighed unhappily, and continued to look through the windows. “No one likes me as it is.” He said in his very quiet voice.

Gerard wondered if Philip said a lot of things that people didn’t hear, because his voice was so small sounding. You would have to know what he sounded like to actually know when he was talking, and even then sometimes you could manage to not hear the whole sentence as part of his words seemed to fade into the air. His voice was actually much like his mothers, and she also seemed to only say a few things, but when ever she made a point you heard it loud and clear. Gerard missed Miss Daphne; she was a truly remarkable woman. “I’m sure that isn’t true, Master Philip. You are a wonderful and intelligent child.” Gerard offered honestly, hoping that would help the boy a little.

Philip sighed very softly. He wasn’t sure if Gerard was telling the truth or not. He wasn’t sure in the grand scheme of things if it really matter or not.

Monday, apparently all the teachers had been informed why Philip wasn’t there the prior Friday, and they had notes for him with the work that he missed. They were also prepared to make any accommodations that he might need while he waited the few weeks for his glasses to come in.

Philip told them that they didn’t need to change anything. He didn’t want to be picked out for special treatment, since most of his classmates seemed to hate and ridicule him as it is.

Philip just continued to do what he always did, which was to catch the homework on the way out for teachers who wrote it on the board during class, and memorize it before class for the teachers who left it on the board before the class came. No one pressured him to take special accommodations, because they knew he was a good kid with grades in the top of his class. They also knew despite his apparent losing vision he always managed to turn all his work in on time.

Monday afternoon, after he came home, he read over what he missed. He had missed a quiz in European History, but had made it up during lunch.

For English class he was supposed to write a note to someone considered infamous. Philip considered writing a note to Charles Manson, since he had his family commit their crimes the year Philip was born, but he noticed the assignment said that the person had to be dead. Tuesday everyone was going to read their letters and discuss them.

Philip decided that he would write to Al Capone, and phrase it in the way as if he were a journalist trying to get a story from the gangster. He took the cover off his typewriter, and pulled a piece of paper from one of his drawers.

It took him a few attempts, but he got the paper threaded in straight. Philip began to type. This is what he wrote:
Dear Mr. Capone,
My name is Philip Nichols and I work for the Peachtree Gazette. I hope you don’t mind if I ask you a few questions, since my newest assignment is to write a profile about you. I hope this isn’t an inconvenience for you since I know you are a busy man.

How is prison treating you? Do you like Terminal Island better than Alcatraz? I heard at Terminal Island they gave the inmates more privileges, I hope that is true, though I am sure you get all kinds of privileges. Great men like you should. ---“

Philip stopped typing as he heard the sound of high heels in the hallway outside. He heard shoes being taken off by the door, and he turned to see Penny coming into his room.

“Hi, Phi, What are you up to?” She asked, in an almost pretend cheerful voice.

“English assignment,” Philip mumbled.

“Ahh, good lad. Your dad wanted me to remind you to change out of your school uniform before dinner, but I see you already have.” Penny looked like she was about to ask him what the assignment was but changed her mind. She heard Eddie calling her from downstairs. “Must run, I’ll talk to you later Phi.” She slipped her shoes back on and headed out.

Philip stared into the cup of root beer, noticing the foam looked like one of those drawings of a hurricane. Every summer Philip heard about hurricanes on the news if only briefly, since there was always a possibility that a hurricane could hit Georgia.

Philip would rather stare in his root beer than at the mirrored surface behind the bar. He didn’t want to glimpse himself in his hideous glasses. He still couldn’t believe they were so thick. The black frames seemed to take over 2/3 of his face.

Gerard sat next to the boy taking a sip of the cherry soda he had ordered. “All glasses look bigger than what they seem when you first get them. You’ll get used to them, Master Philip.” He patted the boy on the shoulder. Since it was Saturday, and Mister Nichols was at work, Gerard was sure that he would never know that they had gone somewhere other than to pick up the glasses. And the little terror Edward couldn’t rat them out because he and Miss Penny were over at another child’s birthday party.

Philip grumbled into his root beer. He wasn’t sure he could ever be persuaded that his glasses looked nice. He had only had them for 12 minutes, and knew he would never enjoy wearing glasses. Philip took a sip of root beer.

“How about we go to the bookstore once we finished our drinks?” Gerard suggested. He had only stopped in the drug store since he had thought that they might get some ice cream floats, but the soda jerk said they were out of ice cream today. Now, Gerard realized he should have just suggested the bookstore before.

Philip turned to him, his blue eyes lighting up a little. “Can we go without father noticing?”

Gerard patted the boy’s head. “I have money of my own that isn’t connected with your father. We can’t buy out the whole store or anything.”

Philip gave Gerard a big hug. “Thank you.”

Gerard hugged him back. “You are very welcome, Master Philip.”

profiler, path to odin, philip nichols

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