Title: Married Life: John (part 1)
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Profiler
Prompt: 066 Rain
Challenge: None
Characters: John Grant, Sam Waters
Characters mentioned: none
Pairings: John/Sam
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Fluff
Word Count: 421
Summary: A series of scenes that would happen if John married various people. This first part concerns John having a bad day at work, and being glad to come home to his sweets.
Disclaimer: Not my characters
Author’s notes: None
John Grant was soaked to the bone as he stepped into the entryway of the house in Burkhead. He stripped off his black trench coat and hung it on the hook by the doorway.
He was about to start walking through the entryway, when a voice in the living room off to the right said, “Shoes.”
John grumbled as he kicked off his shoes, and stripped off his nylon socks. His ear was itching, and he shook his head a little so drops of water would get out of it. He couldn’t wait to get out of his clothes, and put on dry ones.
His day had been pretty lousy and it hadn’t gotten any better when his car had broken down a half a mile away from the house. And as he started to walk, the rain had started. First it was just tiny drips, but it suddenly turned to flooding. He had thought to run, but his legs hurt, and he knew it wouldn’t keep him any less wet in this mess.
John was pulling his sweater over his head when the voice said, “I put some dry clothes for you in the bedroom.”
“Thanks, “John finished pulling his sweater off as he walked by the living room.
He found a pair of flannel pajamas laying on the blue comforter when he got into the bedroom. He slipped out of the rest of his clothes, and slipped into the bathroom adjacent to the bedroom.
John hung his clothes over the shower rack, and grabbed a plush towel off the towel rack and dried himself off quickly. He put the towel on the shower rack as well, so it didn’t get the other towel wet, or he would be in trouble.
He snuggled into the pajamas and then padded back into the living room. He sat down on the white sofa facing a fireplace which had been lit.
A blond woman seven months pregnant came waddling into the living room, she was wearing matching pajamas. She was carrying two mugs. “Hey Sweets,” The Woman handed him a mug. She kissed his forehead as she sat down.
“Hey hon, I missed you,” He took a sip from the mug, glad to find it was a nice calming mug of vanilla flavoured hot chocolate.
“You look like you had a rough day,” She snuggled beside him.
John nodded, rubbing her belly with one hand. “I did, The only thing that kept me going was the thought of seeing your beautiful face, Sam.”