Title: Waiting
Author: serialbathera
Fandom: Law and Order: Criminal Intent
Prompt: None
Challenge: None
Characters: Bobby Goren, Alex Eames, oc suspect character
Characters mentioned: oc lawyer
Pairings: None
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Word Count: 354
Summary: Bobby doesn’t like the fact that he has to wait for the lawyer of a suspect
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Author’s notes: for
coffinkittieBobby Goren craned his neck as he peered through the two-way glass. He had been watching the suspect of a triple murder for almost an hour. The grayish walls of the observation room seemed to be moving in more and more, or that could have been the frustrations Bobby had of having to wait.
The man inside the waiting room had stopped pacing for what must have been the fifth time. His small frame seemed out of place in the tailored suit, almost like a toddler trying on his father’s suit. His black stringy hair had run into his eyes, and he seemed like he was sweating from every pore.
Bobby’s partner, Alex Eames, was sitting at her desk catching up on paperwork. Bobby could go to his desk too, since they were waiting for the suspect’s lawyer. The lawyer was somewhere upstate attending some meeting of some kind. The interrogation had seemed to be going so well, until the man got suspicious of some insignificant comment that Bobby had made about his hat.
Bobby felt like a whole army of ants was marching up and down his body, as he waited for the lawyer. The anticipation of cracking this guy had been keeping him running on adrenaline since they brought the guy in, and Bobby just wanted to get the interrogation over with.
Bobby watched as the man took his green tie off and put it back on.
The door behind Bobby opened and a woman about a foot shorter with a stylish short cut came in. She was wearing a tailored red shirt, and wearing black pinstripe pants. She was also carrying two cups of coffee in decorated Styrofoam cups. She handed one to Bobby. “The lawyer called its going to be another hour.”
Bobby groaned. “Thanks,” He said nodding toward the coffee cup. He stood up straight and leaned against the two way glass, taking a long sip of his coffee.
She didn’t have to say anything, since she knew how disappointed Bobby was that he had to still delay the enjoyment of putting all the pieces of the puzzle together.