Profiler/Criminal Minds : Abner Merriman is a puppet

Oct 11, 2011 03:55

Title: Abner Merriman is a puppet
Author: Amanda
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Samantha/ Jack (Profiler)
Characters: Jack (Profiler) Aaron Hotchner (Criminal Minds), Dr. Spencer Reid (Criminal Minds)
Summary: This is set post season 4 of Profiler, during the episode Damaged of Criminal Minds. Jack is bored with his life with Samantha, he misses the excitement of playing cat and mouse with the FBI so he decides to do a field test on a new group of FBI agents.
Disclaimer: I own neither Criminal Minds, or Profiler. I just like to pretend I do

Jack was never surprised how easily he could infiltrate someone. He had spent many years confusing an elite task force of the FBI. The Violent Crime Task Force was one of the best around. He found himself almost laughing gleefully when their funding had been cut.

By then, he and Samantha had already been living together for two years. She had finally admitted to herself that she loved him, and had faked her own death. The FBI had never been a place for her anyway. She had been a brilliant profiler, but it had never felt like something she wanted to do.

Samantha spent most of her days taking photographs. She could do anything she wanted, Jack had enough money to make her comfortable, but that is what she decided what she wanted to do. He indulged her because he loved her.

Jack rarely saw her. He was also starting to wonder if she had been everything he had thought. Those years of their courtship, which the FBI had labeled as stalking, he had thought her to be a vibrant, brilliant woman. He found himself wondering about her intelligent on some days. They would be having a discussion about something, and something would come out of her mouth that sounded so stupid.

He thought at first that she was joking, but he began to realize that she honestly believed the things she was saying. He missed the things he used to do, before she joined him. Jack had thought it would be easy for her to join in his ‘creations,’ but she never seemed as eager about stalking people. Even, when he tried to eliminate people from her past she might not want around anymore, she seemed sort of indifferent to the suggestion.

Jack was on a computer chat room about serial killers, doing research on anyone who might be trying to copy any of his techniques, when he started reading about this group of the Bureau called the B.A.U. or the Behavioral Analysis Unit. He knew about them before, they were the people who had done the original research on serial killers when heroes of his like Ted Bundy, and Zodiac killer were roaming the streets.
He knew they used to be a lone wolf sort of operations, a single profiler going out and helping, and but now they seemed to have several groups of profilers working together.

Maybe instead of killing for love, like he had done for Samantha, he should go back to how he started. He should go out and kill for the thrill of killing. Most of his original victims had been made to look random though he had specific reasons to pick each one.

It would be interesting to see what would happen if he started to kill again, instead of going up against one profiler, he should go up against a group of them.

He found out that one of the teams was led by Aaron Hotchner, who was supposed to be one of the best around. He began to keep track on what they were doing. He was fascinated by all the people who were in his team.

In a few weeks, Hotchner and another agent, Dr. Spencer Reid, were actually scheduled to interview a serial killer known as Chester Hardwick.

This seemed like the perfect opportunity for Jack to show himself to the B.A.U. without them knowing. He did kinds of research on both Hotchner, and Reid. He also did research on Hardwick, and the prison itself.

It was easy for him to create an identity. He found out the name of the assistant warden was Abner Merriman. The assistant warden was the one who handled things like fbi interview, and such. He also found out that Merriman was a man never seen much. Merriman liked to keep to himself, and actually he liked to send memos a lot instead of actually leaving his office.

Jack thought that was perfect. He could easily kill Merriman and move in.
Merriman was actually a bit of a shy man, who was actually surprised he had become warden. His brother was a big senator somewhere and got him the job. He honestly spent most of his time researching odd things in his spare time.

Jack actually decided to kill him in a swift manner when the warden was sleeping. He got rid of the body through a wood chipper that he had stolen from one of the neighbor’s properties. He made sure to do everything possible to make sure the murder wouldn’t be linked to him.

He was almost bouncing in his new office when he knew the two profiler were coming. He was most fascinated by the boy genius, Dr. Spencer Reid. He had just reread Reid’s articles several times. He knew the boy could be nothing but socially awkward.

He walked out of the room, when he heard they were coming. He wanted them to wait a few minutes in his office, so he could observe them.

Hotchner seemed in a bad mood. Reid seemed a little calm, and more open to the meeting.

Jack shook both of their hands, pretending to be greatly impressed with Dr. Reid. (He actually was in a way, he also knew besides his journals, that the young profile had released a series of flash fiction stories under an alias. It was actually quite good. Most of the stories were actually set in the time of knights, and was filled with a lot of romantic undertones which Jack had not expected.)

Jack told them he had an interest in serial killers, though he lied when he said that Hardwick had been the only one he had ever met. Hardwick wasn’t actually much of a serial killer. Yes, Hardwick was clever, but he also didn’t have any finesse in his kills.

As they got into the room, where Hardwick was interrogated, he could feel the tension from Hotchner as he picked up the crime scene photos.

Reid didn’t seem to have a problem letting the assistant warden look through the pictures briefly. Oh, course, he had already seen the pictures. He had just picked up the photos to see both of their reactions.

He acted apologetic when he handed them back to Agent Hotchner.

He had planned to stay around till after the interview, but when he got back to his office, his cell phone rang. He almost didn’t answer it since only one person had the number, and he was having too much fun away from her at the moment.

Jack almost made it through the fifth ring, before it hit voice mail, but found himself opening it. He still loved his Samantha though, and found he couldn’t deny what she wanted.

“Will you come home?” She asked.

“I’ll be there soon, darling.” He answered.

He would check on the B.A.U. some other time. Maybe next time they ran into him it wouldn’t just be an innocent meeting, and he could start a fun game of cat and mouse.
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