Being Human: Untitled

Jan 12, 2010 02:59

Title: Untitled
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Being Human
Pairing/Characters: Annie Sawyer, George Sands
Rating/Category: PG-13, friendship
Prompt: Being Human, Annie, last cup of tea
word count: 1105
Summary: Annie is nervous when George is out longer than usual after his change.
Notes/Warnings: Set in the beginning of Season one

The house seemed quieter than usual today. Annie found herself staring into the pantry for the longest time. It seemed the house had not been this quiet since before Mitchell and George had moved in.

She remembered the few months before some rented the place. It seemed so lonely and sad. There were days it did not seem like she was dead though, and Owen would come home from work any minute. Even now, that Mitchell and George had moved in, she still felt sometimes that Owen would come back and they could have a happy life together. It was hard to believe that Owen would choose Janine over her, even if she was dead.

Annie knew that there was only one tea bag left. She could make the last cup of tea and it would calm her nerves down for a few minutes. It could still be hours before George came home. He might want the tea when he got home.

Annie did not want him to be mad at him when he got home because he had to go out to the store when he got home. He had never been out this long after his change, though.

Mitchell had left the house a few hours ago to go off to work. He had told her not to worry that George would be finding his way home in one piece eventually. Mitchell had then promptly rushed out of the house. He had overslept and didn’t want to be late.

Mitchell’s reaction had made Annie wonder if she was over reacting.

Annie looked around the house, thinking that it looked dirty. She began to round up stray mugs from the cups of teas she had made earlier. She started to gather the ones from the living room.

She found six mugs in the living room, and an empty pizza box from last night. She threw the pizza box in the bin, and set the mugs on the counter.

Annie made her way through the rest of the room. She found several more mugs. She also noticed the laundry needed to be done in both Mitchell and George’s room. She would talk to them about it later.

In the kitchen, she found several more mugs set various things. As she set them all next to the sink, she realized that she had made almost the whole box of tea this morning waiting for George.

She was a little relieved that Mitchell had not noticed before he left. She lined all ten mugs on the counter neatly. She then began to pour out the contents and wash them out one by one.

Annie was drying the third mug, when the door opened.

George was whistling as he came in. He was carrying several bags from the store. “Hello.” He said brightly to Annie, who had moved to the kitchen doorway to see who it was.

“Hi,” Annie gave him a tentative smile. She had just been thinking that something horrible had happened to him in the woods. After seeing him transform that one night, she always wondered if in his wolf form he ever thought of hurting people. Also, in the woods were hunters, and crazy people and they might feel like shooting a stray wolf.

“Are you okay?” He asked, noticing all the mugs still lining the counter. George began to unload the groceries on the table, watching her carefully as he did so.

“I was just worried about you. You usually are not gone this long. You are usually in by first light or soon after. I wasn’t sure if you were attacked in the woods, or …” She stopped talking, and looked down at the ground.

George put down the box of tea in his hand, and set it on the table. He walked over to her and gave her a small hug. “I am sorry for scaring you. I went to the market after work, didn’t expect it to take so long.”

Annie wasn’t sure what it was but she had been feeling antsy all day today. George being away so long had made her even more freaked out. She hugged him back for a brief second. “Sorry.” She answered as she pulled away.

“I guess I should have called. There was one teller at the market, and apparently, everyone decided they needed a million items. Why don’t I help you clean up the kitchen?” He gave her a smile.

“I’d like that.” Annie gave him a bright smile, showing no hard feelings for being late.

“Mitchell go to work?” He asked, as he finished pulling the groceries out of the bag.

“He left a few hours ago. He was in a bit of a rush. I guess he offered to work for someone today and didn’t remember until 10 minutes before the shift.” Annie picked up a mug and started to wash it.

George nodded as he began to put up the groceries that belonged in the fridge.

“So, any problems last night?” She asked, as she dried the mug she had just washed. She realized as she said it, that it sounded like a stupid question. He should not have had any problems. She hoped he did not anyway.

Annie knew it was a painful process. In addition, he was alone in the woods and anything could have happened. Some random person could have come by and stolen his wallet, or something. However, if someone had stolen his wallet, he would not have been able to go to the grocer’s.
“Umm…fine, I guess” George pulled a banana off the bunch he had just bought, and unpeeled it. He ate it in two large bites.

She hit herself accidentally in the face with a dishtowel. “I forgot that you don’t remember what happens when you transform. Sorry. Sorry.” She should have known that.

Annie sometimes got the feeling that George thought she was annoying. She just wanted her flatmates to like her. It was their house for the most part now; she would hate to think they did not like it and wanted to move because she was annoying.

“No, no, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” He said in a voice that seemed to say he hoped she was not going to cry over the mistake she made.

Annie decided that the best thing to do now. “Do you want to watch a movie when we are done with this?”

George gave her a half smile, still watching to make sure she did not burst into tears. “Sounds like a good idea.”

“Good.” Annie said, giving him a big smile.
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