Dollhouse: change of schedule

Jan 06, 2010 00:06

Title: Change of Schedule
Author: Serialbathera
Fandom: Dollhouse
Pairings/Characters: Ivy/Topher Brink
Rating/Category: PG-13/ General, romance
Prompt: Dollhouse, Ivy, measurements
Word Count: 1102
Summary: Topher decides that he needs to move up the day they staff updates their file imprints, and Ivy decides to give him hell for it
Notes: Sequel to “Solace or Distractions?” but can be seen as a stand alone fic

Topher came in the room in a cheerfully annoying manner. “I’ve decided to bump measurements day up early. So, instead of next week, it will be later this afternoon.”

Ivy, who had been typing up a report, stopped midword. She looked up at him with a confused expression. She hoped that she had not heard what she thought he had said. “You’re moving measurements day up?”

Topher gave her an enthusiastic nod, and pulled a juice box out of the fridge. “We had some engagements added to next week, so it will be easier to do it today or tomorrow. Since Saturdays always have a possibility for last minute engagements, I decided that we should do it today. I know it is one of the things you like about the job, that and sleeping with the boss.” He gave her a playful wink.

Topher was glad when she did not get up and slug him.

Ivy just grumbled something with several curse words under her breath, and went back to her report.

He figured she was more annoyed that he had moved up measurement day. All the houses required their employees to prove bio scans when they first started. The L.A. house was one of the only ones for some reasons that actually required scans every two months or so. It had been Topher’s idea actually, and Dewitt had gladly agreed.

(Though Dewitt was one of the ones that also grumbled when she had to get in the imprint chair.)

The data was used to help with composite, but had also come in handy a few times. The house had had a high non-active turn over rate on several occasions, especially handlers.

“I’ll even get in the chair first, if it will make you feel any better.”

“Okay,” Ivy said softly, knowing she didn’t really have a choice in the matter. “Is it everyone today?” She wasn’t sure with the joke he made if he was in one of the random, ‘I am the boss and you are the peon’ modes or he was just playfully bantering with her.

“Not everyone. You, me, Boyd, Dewitt, maybe Ballard, and whatever other handlers I can find hanging around. I will schedule the others in two weeks, since the last engagement ends at 7pm, and I know a bunch of the staff will be gone before then.”

“I might have had plans this weekend, maybe a date.” She made sure to keep a perfectly serious face. Despite several make out sessions, and half dates, she and Topher had not really defined their relationship. At this point, she wasn’t worried, but it seemed like a good opportunity to tease him.

She knew it might be awhile before he realized what his feelings really were. A lot of things lately had been making him reevaluate his view that the actives were mainly toys, and he had to figure out where he stood on a lot of issues. She wasn’t going to push him into something he wasn’t ready for.

Ivy was glad though that despite if he really thought of her romantically, he was realizing that she was more than competent to do more than get him snacks. There was still days though that he seemed not to trust her to touch the equipment, but she was sure in times he could leave for days and not worry about anything.

(Though, he had joked once if that ever happened, he could imprint someone with his personality to run the show. She hoped he was joking anyway, but there was no way of telling unless something came up.)

Topher almost dropped the juicebox. “You have a date.” He tried to make his voice sound perfectly normal, but traces of his devastation escaped into the words.

Ivy tried not to keep herself from giggling at his look in his eyes. “Maybe.” She resisted not throwing a smirk at him.

“Umm, that’s nice, I’ll try to let you out early then.” He tried to say, forcing a fake smile. “I am sure there won’t be many handlers here anyway.”

He started to walk across the room, and then stopped as he realized that he really needed to be on the other side of the room. He started to walk towards the Imprint chair remembering that he was supposed to check some of the wirings today.

Ivy couldn’t help from chuckling as she watched him.

Topher stopped and turned towards her. “Wait, you are fooling with me. You do not have a date. You are just mad I moved measurement day up.” He chuckled.

He gave her a grin, as if he was in on the joke, but his eyes seemed a little confused.

She gave him a smile. “You will just have to wait and see.” She went back to her reports. Ivy had been hoping, since this was a slow weekend, they could do something away from the dollhouse. She had decided to bring it up later, though.

Despite how fun it would be to legitimately flirt with him at work, or even sometimes on lunch break to go sneak off and fool around, she had always been taught that work was important and not a place to goof off. She did relax sometimes and joke with Topher or play board games with him, but she had promised she wouldn’t cross the line between friends and lovers when they were supposed to be on the clock.

Ivy made sure to keep her eyes back on the computer screen, as he pretended to look at the machinery. Before she had counted twenty in her head, he had made his way back towards her.

Topher pulled a chair inches away from where she was sitting. “What if I ask you on a date, will you cancel the other one? We can do something tonight after we do the measurements, maybe go to the movies, or out to dinner.”

He tilted his head where he had to look up at her. He made sure his eyes looks sad, and desperate. “That guy can’t be better than me.”

Ivy couldn’t help but chuckle. “Actually, after we were finished I was going to ask if you wanted to do something, but maybe I will just go home by myself.” She gave him a smug grin, to show she was teasing.

He was about to say something, when Dewitt walked in the room. “Can I talk to you Mr. Brink about this moving up measurement day.”

He chuckled nervously, and followed her out of the room, giving a small wave to Ivy before he left.
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