Title: Untitled
Author: Serialbathera
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Georgia (George) Lass
Summary: George decides to sneak into Rube’s apartment
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters
Word Count: 176
AN: for the wonderful coffinkittie
George wasn’t sure what made her decide to skip work. It was either the boredom or the thought that if she had to continue collating the several thousands of brochures she was going to strangle Delores. (Perhaps the latter, more than the former.) For which ever reason it was, she found herself peddling her bike to Rube’s apartment.
He shouldn’t be there. He was supposed to be attempting to cook at Der Waffle Haus. She was just curious to see if his presence lingered when he wasn’t in his apartment. Maybe she would also luck out and find out more about the people who left the names. (She also had a brief thought about stealing a large quantity of post-it notes to see if it would faze him.)
George let herself in using a trick Mason had taught her about breaking and entering.
She was surprised to see Rube standing a few inches from the door.
“You could have just knocked peanut.” Rube gave her a partially parental smile, as if he could read her mind.