Nov 03, 2004 12:29
ok, I'm going to stop screaming and ranting about this bullshit fucking election that had to have been tampered with for Bush to actually win the fucking popular vote. It's well known I disagree with/despise/loathe George Dubya Bush, but what I don't understand are people who actually voted for him.
But I'm a Republican!
So you're a Republican eh? You believe that Corporate America is right to lie cheat and steal from everyone on the planet. You believe that we, as AMERICANS - GO USA!, should be able to fuck over whomever we want for our own benefit. You believe that the people who matter the most are the people with money. You don't believe in helping improve the lives of our poor but you do believe in blowing people up with big guns and tanks and stabbing an American flag into their charred bodies and proclaiming our victory. You disagree that women are people and have rights, in fact I should just shut the fuck up and get back in the kitchen barefoot and pregnant and cook you some goddamn dinner before I get beat, and I'd deserve it too. You think gay people are the scourge of the earth and are a detriment to society!!!! THEY'LL BRING US ALL DOWN IF YOU LET THEM GET MARRIED I RECKON. Am I getting this right?
I worked in Corporate America for 5 years. I didn't love it, it was a job that paid me a decent amount of money and gave me benefits. It was very stressful, and I dealt with a lot of bullshit. Then, thanks to good ole DUBYA, my cashcow sent all it's work to India so they could pay them 60% less than us and I was sent packing. IT'S NOT YOU IT'S THE NATURE OF BUSINESS is what I was told. OH. WELL THEN I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER THANK YOU.
I'm lower middle class. Did I get some kickass tax benefit from the Bush administration? Nope, I got a check for $300 that I HAD TO PAY BACK. I was also denied financial aide for school because I made too much money! Yeah, I made a SHIT TON OF CASH. THAT'S why I'm in debt!
A friend from my childhood lost his foot in Afghanistan, which I guess is better than dying in Iraq, but for what? No Bin-Laden. Over 1000 soldiers killed. Over 5000 soldiers injured. Pay cuts for military families and cuts in military healthcare.
Speaking of healthcare, my grandparents' prescriptions cost over $1200 a month. A MONTH. And their medicare was cut. Their savings will be gone within the next 2 years if not 1. My grandfather worked his ass off for decades, they live simply, and now just because they're old, they get bent over and "assisted" by dear old Georgie boy.
And those gays! WHAT ARE THEY THINKING??? You want to get MARRIED?? WHAT? Why in the world should you be allowed to do that?! GOD SAYS NO, oh wait the Government isn't supposed press the religious thing, YOU ARE A DETRIMENT TO THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE AND SOCIETY. Yeah, those 52% of people getting divorced are really dedicated to the sanctity of marriage. And the fact that parents spend so little time with their children that they're raised by tv, siblings and strangers is really helping our future generations feel the family bond.
I'm anti abortion and so is Bush
Please change your stance to anti-brain, thanks.
He's a down home guy, just like the regular folk!
If bankrupting companies, pulling strings to get elected, lying to the public, being a mysogynistic, backwoods, pompous marionette is the regular folk GOD HELP ME.
Seriously, 52% of this country makes me sick. Why? Not because of who they voted for or for expressing their right to vote for the candidate they feel is the best choice, but for blindly believing all the bullshit that was spoon fed to them over the past 4 years. For never questioning the validity of Bush's claims and actions and for not standing up for our country as a whole but instead succumbing to the selfishness that is being an American. Sigh. It's just sad really.
OK for real I'm done with this shit.