Aug 23, 2003 10:35
well, the week is over. that's right, the most painful week of camp. it was my very last band camp forever (most likely). some things were good, some were bad. it just seemd like we spent way too much time on fundamentals, when we could have had sectional time. and i like to know why our drill writer doesn;t give us drill until the day before camp ends. hello??? we pay you 1000 bucks or so, give to us when we ask for it. please???? it really sucks being a section leader. you try to tell your section something, and then they laugh at you and think it's a joke. i kinda wish i just quit when i had the chance. i hate having a section full of smart asses and ass holes that treat every sngle person like shit. (minus a few people, and they know who they are if they're reading this)
and i like how the staff pretty much said the senior class sucks since the freshmen aren't doing good or the whole band isn't doing as great as we have in the past. now, mr moore is always saying that it's the senior class from the previous year is responsible for making the band better, so it's not this year's senior's fault, it's last year's seniors. i love it when i think too much.
so, i'm sure everyone will be excitied when you read this: Mike now has a job!!!! (this is the part where you get out of your chair and start jumping up and down cuz you're so exctied) I started tuesday at Famous Footwear (across the street from oakland mall) it's a pretty cool job, except my feet are killing me from walking around all evening AFTER band camp. so yeah, i'm gonna be so busy now cuz i work almost every day. next week my schedule is
sunday 2 to close
monday 5 to close
tuesday 6 to close
thursday 6 to close
and then wedensday is the MANDATORY band meeting, and friday is a football game and saturday is my uncle's Labor Day BBQ. oh well, i should have plenty of money (6.50 an hour) to go to the bahamas now.
and then hell starts tuesday: here's my schedule
(it never changes for the year)
1. Band
2. AP Calculus
3. German 3 (even though i'm in german 2)
4. Physics
5. 12 CraP english
6. Stage Band
well, that's all. see ya all later