Visit to the vet

Aug 05, 2008 17:18

Cookie, despite his shy nature, isn't afraid of travelling. He took the trip to the vet very well, nudging my fingers now and then to reassure himself and going as far as lying down to take a nap. His wound didn't appear as gruesome as yesterday, so I was half expecting the vet to tell me he was just too stressed and cut himself, and that got infected.

I was right...except on the severity of the wound. OMG! When she pressed on it, the river of pus that got out! It was disgusting. The hole was so enormous that you could put a whole Q-tip inside, I could barely stand to watch. It must have been SO uncomfortable, given his head is still so little. I'm glad I didn't take chance and went to see the vet.

Cookie is now on antibiotics for two weeks, plus a special cleaning treatment for the wound/hole, two times a day. As I said to him, "You know I wanted to take it slow with you. Well, buddy, seems like we'll be forced to bond quickly."

The vet added: "Be sure Plushie doesn't lick him on the wound."

Heck, no worries. As far as Plushie is concerned, she's still the queen, and that mean he licks her, not the reverse. XD
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