Phones 4 Me

Jun 18, 2011 10:59

So I'm (amazingly for the first time ever) worthy of getting a phone upgrade. Normally I just go for a bog standard Nokia that can do phonecalls and send texts and that's about it, but I'm being offered a range of swanky smart phones to choose from too. So I'm hoping some of you might have some idea about whether any of these are OK or not? The options are:
  • HTC WildFire S
  • LG Optimus One
  • LG Optimus Me
  • LG Optimus
  • Motorola Defy
  • Motorola Flipout
  • Samsung Galaxy Ace
  • San Francisco (WTF?)
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
  • Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 Mini

I have no idea what I'd look for in a smart phone (the perils of having a shiny new Blackberry given to me every year), except being able to call & text people. And be able to surf the net and read my email. Beyond that...I guess I'm pretty not fussed?
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