GAH! and pickles....

Feb 28, 2006 17:41

Gah!Thats prety much the correct word to describe this day. So heres how it went. I woke up this morning after hitting the snooze button five times. I had a group tour at 10, so I rushed to get ready and I power walked over to the Admissions office while talking to Joe. I get there and put my nametag on and drop off my stuff. The receptionist tells me they are over in Karpen 101, so I head over there only to find that there is a class going on in there. So I'm too far away from the Admissions office to walk over there and figure out what the hell is going on. I finally find a directory and call up the Admissions office. She said she forgot that they had been moved over into the Highsmith Mountain Lookout room. So I finally get over there about 2 minutes before the tour starts and it turns out the other tourguide is late. So I introduced myself to this group of high school sophomores from Alabama who looked like they didn't want to be there. Jaclyn, the other tour guide, finally showed up and we gave them their tour. This one obnoxious kid kept laying down on benches throughout the tour and refusing to walk on (a little immature for a high schooler) so that was really annoying. Anyways the tour finally ended and I rushed over to my Humanities class. I got there about 5 mimutes late and nearly fell asleep during the discussion. We're talking about the Iliad this week, which I haven't read, so that didn't help. I had lunch with the girls and had a nice little bowl of ice cream. Then I had an interview with Vollie from the Housing Department at 2:30 so I went over there. Well he was in a meeting and I didn't get to talk to him until 3:00. He had just had sinus surgery so he wasn't in the best mood to talk, especially since he was on a bunch of painkillers. Then I had Newswriting and realized that my article is so uncoordinated that I don't know how to go about writing it. The only three good parts about the day, thus far, were my ice cream, the interview with the Transportation guy (who was TOTALLY awesome and had all this information ready to talk about), and talking to muh baby! I just can't wait for all my assignments to be done and for Spring Break to start and to go to the Matchbook Romance concert with Joe.

PLUS Our overnight didn't screw the lid to the pickle jar all the way and all the juice spilled out into the refigerator and into the carpet. Now we have a rather large vinegar stain and our entire room smells like NASTINESS. It smells like pickles all the way down the hall. I smell like pickles! I don't think I'm gonna eat any pickles for a while....

I need to be sedated....
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