May 10, 2010 23:36

So there have been several impromptu Hanna!Ustreams over the past few weeks, none of which I have managed to catch, because I have always been otherwise occupied when they happen. Impromptu Ustreams are generally announced on Twitter here.

However! Some fascinating actual Tessa!art has been linked on these Ustreams, and you can find them if (a) you know where to look; (b) nice people sweetly link them for you. ♥ Thank you. ♥

kindly linked here

Described as 'Veser's reaction to Blaney's candy bra';
linked here by the person who brings the Veser.

Also, speaking of Veser and following on from the link up there. kitty!Veser FOR REAL, I like this video best. :D ... NO WAIT this video, when Veser!kitty gets petted and his eyes go all narrow. AUGH THE CUTE IS EATING ME ALIVE. Also this is very OT but this is not at all how I expected your voice to sound, why do you always keep surprising me. JUST LIKE half_sleeping.

source, linked by the lovely ann.

source, also linked by the lovely ann.

Lee art recs (Because they're that special)
1. THIS artwork you have to see: it features Lee and Mrs. Hatch, and is titled Boyfriend. I think that there is never enough Lee art, much less that which includes Mrs. Hatch, and even less that which is hilariously funny. THIS MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD. Oh Lee. ♥ And for the sake of completeness, you should (after viewing the art) ALSO listen to this song!
2. Now from funny to pure, impressive ouch: a shot in the dark. The process is pretty fascinating, too.
3. Sweet and sad and adorable art featuring paper cranes and chibi!Veser (I think the fact that it's chibi makes it all the more wrenching): Farewell.
4. Hanna Paper Cranes, with an amazingly um, canonical Lee!crane, and I have only one word to say in this context, and here it is: Twine. There is a cute little panel with Lee!crane and Veser!crane. I also loved the Casimiro-and-Finas!cranes, the Hanna-and-Zombie!cranes, and the Worth-and-Conrad!cranes. I love little details, and the crane creator certainly put in the effort here.

More Hanna!Recs, Art and Otherwise
... in which numerous cheap shots are taken at Conrad.
5. The lovely demoerin has linked the Hanna!variations of Kate Beaton's Ooh Mr. Darcy: My personal favourite is the Ooh Mr. Lamont that features vampires sparkling, and my next favourite is the version that has (half) selkies turning gay. And obviously since Ples must shoehorn his way into everything I am doing tonight, you should also see Ooh Mr. Fine-@$$. I am not kidding, the Ples line made me crack up so hard.
6. ... I should never have mentioned the vampires sparkling. LOOK I CAN NEVER RESIST THE TWILIGHT CRACK, and once I have started I am very hard to stop: CONRAD HAS THE SKIN OF A KILLER!
7. And in the same vein (ha ha), try this general Hanna!FST for the song Ooh Ooh Sexy Vampire (#4), and some fascinating Ples picks. Veser's song choice made me laugh out loud.
8. And if it isn't my favourite Conrad and Worth cosplayers!

hanna is not a boy's name, #hinabn, that walking grandfather clock, how lamontable, you are my yamamoto, music, i'm sorry lee, recs, jump the shark, art, cosplay, i believe in sparkle motion!, arson murder and organized stalking, during rem, instead of growing up, recs - hinabn art

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