flail flail

Apr 19, 2010 11:55

Having a sick day due to eating something I evidently should not have. I don't feel all that bad anymore, though everything feels rather too colourful. Mostly it's making me think that yes, it was a terrible idea in all those fics/romance scenes to have the characters make out after they'd been ill. I still remember reading Sabriel and spending too much of the climactic scene paging around to find a reference to a mouth-cleaning spell or a mouthful from an enchanted spring, but no - she was sick four pages ago but that's just no obstacle to true love, okay.

It also brings to mind a recent strip of Kate Beaton's: 15th Century Peasant Romance Comics. The top strip - that has always bothered me. A LOT. (Which is also how much the woman's expression in the last panel makes me laugh.) Once I read a detective novel set in Japan a handful of centuries ago where the required prostitute equivalent (it's a detective novel, see) taught the main character to kiss, because it was this crazy thing foreigners did. This makes way more sense to me. But this is why it's nice to be 21st century.

Speaking of Kate Beaton. To Hanna is Not a Boy's Name fans, see Ooh Mister Darcy: A Fan Fiction and then see this (by Wild Drawfag) and this (by slipstream). Plundered from plus4chan but safe for work, and containing Conrad/Worth, Lamont/Worth and all the love in the world. XD

And I watched episode 180 of KHR. I cannot stop geeking the hell out. This series is spoiling me thoroughly, manga and anime! Episode 180 was excellent, and if I missed anything, this comment on the episode post sums it up because I agree with almost every point. But most importantly:


THE ANIME DID NOT DO WHAT I TOTALLY BELIEVED IT WOULD. It was for real! Yamamoto and for that matter, the series itself, actually faced up to a consequence!

A little acceptance, a little bit of acting like a tool, and then he's back to normal. And that's the perfect balance for him! Yamamoto immediately goes back to being all "maa maa, chill guys" and of course he will, that is the obvious thing for him to do in the moment after his Very Special Lesson, but the voice actor makes the words sound perfectly natural. And he laughs naturally too, as does the guy voicing Ugetsu.

It is so satisfying and cute and fitting to see Tsuna trying to cheer Yamamoto up, all "don't let me put pressure on you, I rely on you too much" and then this cap:

Tsuna never gets to do that! (In the manga, anyway. I don't know about the rest of the anime.) The role is always that Yamamoto gets to cheer Tsuna up either by his presence or by trying specifically, and IT IS SO GREAT that Tsuna gets to do the same for him.

And then there's this bit--

"Yamamoto ... sugoi." So stunned and breathless, my goodness.

Another most-welcomed moment of friendship is when the girls take Chrome some food and Bianchi's like, "Do you KNOW her?" (Does TYE Bianchi even know Chrome? Maybe Reborn told her after the Varia business.)

This does not convey quite how adorable "I-Pin-tachi tomodachi! Jeez, Bianchi-san, keep up!" is, but it will have to do.

Bonus, Asari Ugetsu is fucking metal.

He made up those techniques on the spot, and they were cool attacks. I love how it's all tossed out so easily. Shounen generally announces that IT IS POWERING UP but these fights were short, cool, and effective as to what they wanted to convey. This scene gives Ugetsu his required godmode for being a Primo guardian AND makes sense out of Yamamoto finding an opening on him AND because Ugetsu says "I'm impressed you've managed the four-swords technique", Yamamoto's own godmode is not denigrated. NEAT TRICK. That's the other thing this episode was good for, addressing little things from the last one that niggled. Yamamoto DID notice that he weirded Ugetsu out, so that makes up for what looked like a really weird oversight on Yamamoto's part - he's good at noticing stuff about people - and just shows HOW bugged out he was.

Dead guys, on a roof, reminiscing about the past. This moment is actually so weird. I love it. Giotto seems to have given his guardians matching gold watches when they retired! That's so ... 20th century? Weird? STRANGELY ENDEARING.

reborn! anime, hanna is not a boy's name, an advanced state of excitement, reborn!, recs

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