the only thing we have to fear is LJ DOWNTIME itself

Oct 30, 2008 09:37

So! LJ's going to go down for four hours for maintenance (check status.livejournal for updates through the downtime, so lj_maintenance tells us.

ETA: LOL! LJ rigged it so there would be no downtime!

At any rate, the Mangahelpers' post on the new Reborn Chapter (that'd be 216) should still be up, if you need a Reborn fix to last you through the downtime.

Check out the (locked) Chapter 216 post on the community for more FUN AND HILARIOUS COMMENTS, and I think this one is probably my favourite so far.

I really do think we're in for a great time. ♥ THANK YOU AMANO! And here I was thinking that nothing in this battle could excite me any longer!

You just might want to read this before you look at the spoiler images so the way you see the scene can be CORRUPTED FOREVER :D :D :D

preliminary spoiler comments for Chapter 216

Spoiler In Three Words: here: "Vongola orgy. Awesome."

As touyanotenten says here: "HOSHIT, Genkishi made an illusion of everyone gangbanging Tsuna! It's like a doujinshi come to life!"

ALSO I concur with THIS: "I want to see it animated. NOW."


But, honestly speaking, I am actually very happy that the Genkishi-Tsuna battle is finally going somewhere. I am not quite so happy at Genkishi expressing feelings of OMG I HAD TO KILL MY FAMILY T_T, it feels like another manifestation of the The Tsuna Effect is immiment.

Or you could express it the way craze_izumi does: that Tsuna's presence purifies everyone he fights with. ;) REDEMPTION IN THE FORM OF A HIGH-SCHOOL JAPANESE BOY!

Wait... haven't I read fanfic like that before?

everybody loves loves l-o-v-e-s tsuna, wait wrong raepist whoops, vongola orgy is go, bring on a brand new chapter

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