There's a Ghost in the Dryer! or My Crappy Week and Merlin Fangirling!

Oct 07, 2009 14:25

The subject is taken from a Dane Cook joke.  I thought it was appropriate for the season.  =)

HAPPY OCTOBER!!!  Tis my favorite season, my favorite month, and my favorite holiday is fast approaching!

Some things on my "to do" list for this month:

1. Lose 5 pounds - gee, that would be nice!
2.Finish The Mists of Avalon- This book is good, but it's a little dry and holy hell it's long.  I'm not exaggerating when I quote Journey, this book "goes on, and on, and on, and oooonnnnn"
3. Pass my next Bio exam- yes, that would be nice. 
4. Pass my next Religion exam- just as nice.
5. Work on my fanfic more- I'm shamelessly pimping the link now.
6. Get at least half of our blocking for our Repo! The Genetic Opera shadow cast out on the stage.
7. Have an effing spectacular Halloween.  Dressing as Abby from NCIS =D
8. Spend my money wisely. - No more stupid spending.
9. Finish Merlin Bear's coat!- Yes, I made Merlin Bear at the Build-A-Bear Workshop! =3
10. Start buying Christmas presents- dundunduuuunnnn!
11. Okay this isn't stupid spending, but I REALLY NEED THE NEW IMOGEN HEAP CD.  Like bad.  And nao.

If I can do one thing on this list I'll be lucky! XD

This week started off really icky.  The weather was terrible.  Tuesday I got up late, showered late, left the house late, and got to campus late, thus  forfeiting any possibility of me getting a decent parking spot.  This made me 20 minutes late to class.  The teacher goes "Oh where did you come from?"  While I was tempted to reply with "the fiery pits of Hell" I simply said "The rain," and left it at that.

To top off my craptastic beginning of a week, we can't get ahold of the BMFIC at the theatre we're looking to shadow cast at. UGH.


I think I might cry.  Really.  I can feel it.

On the other hand (ok, I really hate that expression.  There is nothing on the other hand.  What the hell is that about anyway?)  Ok, so to be a little positive (because my mother says I can be a downer) IT'S HUMP DAY!  Only two more days until my school week is over!  Yay!   I swear if I make it to the end of this semester without gray hair or committing murder it will be a miracle.

But I suppose I'll try to keep my head up and look on the bright side.  But then again, mom always said staring at the sun can cause eye damage.

ON A VERY HAPPY NOTE:  Merlin S2 ep3 was pretty freaking great.  Really.  Obviously the best episode of the season so far, and definitely one of the top five in the series as a whole!  (Next to eps 12, 8, 11, and 13.)  Though if you ask me, episode S1 ep 12 will forever remain my favorite episode.  =D  But I digress.

Reasons I liked episode 3:
-MOOOORRDRED (I have a great drawn-out evil sounding way of saying his name.)  I swear Asa Butterfield is a genius.  He doesn't even have to speak and he steals props away from the other actors.  That really is a talent.  He just has such a haunting appearance.  It really is amazing.  I wish we would have gotten the chance to see more of him though.  But I'm sure he'll be back ;)    Oh, and that scream he did, yeah, that was pretty damn cool.  I could only imagine the havoc I would wreak if I had that power. Mwhahaha.  I was talking to my bestie yesterday and he said if he ever got a dwarf hamster, he would name it Mordred.  =D

-The Merthur moments!  I will be the first to admit that slash is not my thing.  Unless it's parody... or smut.  Then it's my thing.  But slash in general is a no.  But MERTHUR!  AH!  I love it.  They just work so well together.  All of the suggestive comments (the flowers bit had me giggling) are really great.  I love how the BBC eludes to all sorts of character pairings in Merlin.  It's fantastic.

-UTHER!  Oh Anthony Head, I love you.  Really and truly.  Uther was great in this episode.  Finally got to see him displaying emotion again.  Gah, I was really over the moon about that one!

-Morgana!  She was great (despite what I've heard other people say! ><)  I love that she is aware of her abilities now!  It was so nice to see her get some adequate screen time.  Her character is so dynamic, and finally getting to see her develop has been awesome.  It will be interesting to see where she goes from here, what she's actually capable of, and what kind of alliances she forms (I'm talking Merlin, Mordred, and the Druids.)  I'm also super excited to see the future episode in which Katie McGrath said that Morgana breaks ties with Uther.  That's going to be epic.  I can't wait.  And I still hold firm when I say that Morgana is undeniably my favorite character!

-The Merlin/Morgana moments (Well most of them)  While I always love Merlin as a character, seeing him interact with the others is what I really love.  Finally we get to see the Merlin/Morgana friendship bloom a little.  I'm glad that he helped her, and I hope that eventually he'll share his secret with her.  Though I fear that he won't anytime soon.  It really was great to see her trusting him though, and I think we'll see that confidence between them grow even more as the season progresses.

-Sigh-  Merlin/Morgana shippers have it rough.

Some things that I didn't like:

-Gaius.  He really irked me this time around.  I almost always love him!  He's all parental with Merlin, sarcastic, and so incredibly wise.  But this time he was just being ignorant.  I was so angry when he kept saying that Morgana didn't need to know about her magic.  Like that will make things any better.  She would be more dangerous if she didn't know!

-The Dragon.  Enough said.  I love his voice, his facial expressions, and even his somewhat annoying riddles.  He was just being a jerk this time.  And I love when Merlin got all defensive when he kept calling her a witch.  That was too cute!

-There was a Merlin moment I did not like (GASP!)  I really hated how Merlin wouldn't even give Morgana a word of advice/encouragement when she first came looking for Gaius.  Especially because she looked so terrified.  It was heartbreaking really.  Come on Merlin, you could have had a little sympathy for her!

Overall, an excellent episode.  This weekend is ep 4.  The Gwencelot episode.  While I agree this pairing is much better than Arwen (I'm all for Morgana and Arthur, but I really hate the idea of Gwen/Arthur on the show- though I like it in fanfic when written well)  I'm not sure I'm too excited about this episode (I've heard cheesy dialog and once again some bad CGI- which I really don't mind.  It makes Merlin special xD)  We'll see.

I'm rambling.  And hungry (I'm suffering from bottomless pit syndrome today) 
I need to do some writing.

I'll leave it at that. =)

build-a-bear, merlin, ncis, repo! the genetic opera, halloween, merlin s2 e4, merlin s2 e3, christmas, writing, the mists of avalon, rambling, hump day,, merthur, imogen heap

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