Jan 06, 2011 08:05
So. I fell off the wagon over the holidays, sorry about that. ;; I love you, honest. I'll be good from now on.
Speaking of, if you don't know who this loser in the icon is, his name is Tom. And he's painfully socially retarded. Which means he doesn't post a lot. Or talk much. Especially not to women.
I know I owe some of you cr already, but does anyone want a new woobie bff? He can make couch forts and play football and he's a good listener? ♥
Oh, and also, I'm not sure if any of you guys know Tom's canon, but he's seven kinds of murderous-batshit-crazy and February is his month of action. So, if anyone wants to die in a really brutal public display of gore let me know? The 'who done it' is always fun /o/ More information closer to Valentine's Day if anyone is interested.