Jan 01, 2011 21:26
Hello, TLN! Happy 2011.
The mod team is VERY excited to announce that, over the next few weeks, The Long Now will introduce a permanent, overarching plot. As delightful as you all have been, the basic, pandfandom jamjar format has grown tired.
We obviously don't want to give spoilers, but know that the following questions WILL be answered:
- Why/how has everyone been brought here?
- Why does each floor exist during a different era of time?
- Why was the London outside of the gates post-apocalyptic?
- What's with the monsters?
- Who/where is Oliver St. Oldcastle?
- If this is Oliver's house, why doesn't he live here?
Our best advice is to get Oliver's attention immediately. For example, Rose is going to try to catch a few of Oliver's pet creatures. The faster your characters can back Oliver into a corner, the faster he'll be willing to give up all of the information we've been waiting for. Exciting!
Here are some bullet points about the near future:
- The large, overarching plot will be highly supernatural, focusing much on time travel, what holds time together, and life after death. Everyone will have a place here, as we've catered the concept to the current fandoms in-game.
- The way to get home will be presented for your characters to take or leave. It will involve "healing" the house- stitching time back together, restoring each floor to a singular timeline. Maybe. If you succeed. ;)
- A lot of new NPCs will be introduced. These will include monsters from your characters' fandoms (so suggest some!), ghosts from all over time, and some old favorites. Get ready to hunt, decipher, or flee. These NPCs will be making themselves known long before you actually see them.
- External plots (i.e. The Race, Pirates!, and the Zombie World) will still exist. However, they will be related back to the main plot. Characters will be sent to these places with a purpose.
- Internal plots (i.e. The Shifter's Nightmare Plot) will also be prevalent.
- Obstacles will get in the way of the main "house healing" goal. For example, you certainly can't fix the basement while Kerrigan has it infected with creep.
- Thankfully, the permanent plot will not constantly overwhelm everyone. There will be plenty of downtime with which to pursue your own plots and relationships. This game is meant to be fun for the players, and a big part of that is your creations! Player plots can be completely independent of the main arc, or you can communicate with us to make them arc-relevant.
- Lastly, we will attempt to re-brand the game. New ads and banners, mainly, so when we advertise, people know there's more to the game than "folks in a house." If you have graphics-making skills and would like to contribute, please contact us!! The re-branding will also include routine chats for us all to hang out in.
Enjoy, and get ready for some fun after the Activity Check! Use this post to react, plot, whatever you need to get up for 2011 at TLN.
The Mods