May 29, 2006 20:59
Oh boy sooo much to update on. First let's start with OLP. On May 9, 2006, Scotty, Vinny, Sarah, and I all drove up to Montreal, Quebec to see the one and only Our Lady Peace. We left at 2:30 on Tuesday, and that sucked. We got to the border pretty much on time, but got stuck there for half an hour because they felt the need to search our car and such. Then we drove into Quebec, and we had to find a guy who we were getting two tickets from. By the time we got them, it was 8 PM. Concert started at 7 PM and I really wanted to see the opening bands. Vinny and I went to the concert, while Sarah and Scott went to check into the hotel. Vinny and I got in, and we were able to catch the ending of Neverending White Lights performance. It was 2 songs from Daniel Victor(He's the guy who put together NWL, it's not really a band, more like a project, and every song has a guest singer) and then he started playing Liar. Liar is the NWL songs that Raine Maida(Lead singer of OLP) sings on. Into the first chorus, Raine comes out on stage and starts singing Liar, and the crowd goes nuts. That was fucking amazing. Then was the break before OLP came on, which meant that I missed Pedestrian, the opening band I wanted to see. But OLP came on at about 9ish, and we met up with Sarah and Scotty in the back. LEt me just say that concert was unbelievably fucking amazing. So much energy in the crowd, and in the middle of In Repair, Raine climbed on the speakers and went up into the balcony and into the crowd. All the songs sounded incredible, and he actually sang 4 AM. For the past 3-4 years, the crowd would sing 4 AM back to him, and it was my wish that he would sing it, because back in November when I saw them, the crowd sang it, and I wanted to hear him sing it live. The crowd still sang, but he was amazing. In the encore, he told us that the Metropolis, which was where the concert was, was the same place that they shot Somewhere Out There, and then they played that song and the whole crowd sang the chorus. OOoo I loved it. The best concert ever. After the concert, We all went out drinking. Yea, they don't check ids and the age is 18, but i still got a little buzzed. We went into two gay bars, but lets just say that night was amazing. It was a night I will never forget, and it was possibly the best night ever. The only thing that could have made it better was meeting the band and seeing the whole concert. But nonetheless, best night ever, and it was much needed. I have quite a few videos of it too. For my bday, we are going back to Montreal, and then going to Toronto to see them again in Edgefest July 1st. So yea, the good in my life. The bad is still here which includes Dave. Dave is my moms boyfriend and the whole situation is fucked up, but apparently he's moving in soon, and that makes me wanna move. I tried, but mom was gonna call the cops and tell them I am a runaway, but I am looking into getting my dad's permission. Yea fucked up. Pizza Market closed Monday, May 22, 2006. Sunday was it's last day, and of coursed I worked. It is closed until August, because they are renovotating it, making it bigger, and such. I now work at Nadeau's subs, at least in the meantime. My orientation was today, and my first real day is Thursday. Oh and I just want to say to Steph that I am incredibly happy for you. You definetely derserve to be happy and to be feeling this way. I think I am done, if not I will always update.