The Story of One-Eyed Phil

Jul 31, 2004 19:46

The first matter of business be this: our gunner, Vin Deisel just died of the same mysterious fever that our cockswain befell. Well, sink me, I may be starting to believe this buttsex curse. That'll be a matter to deal with later, because I got done speaking with One-Eyed Phil, and he told me the story.
Turns out One-Eyed Phil got word of a large amount of treasure buried somewhere on werewolf zombie island. Now the map for this treasure be on ninja island, so One-Eyed Phil had to go there first.
Now the pirate who told him about this treasure was the treacherous Captain Lemperle, the scurviest man on the seven seas. No one trusts Captain Lemperle, but One-Eyed Phil had no choice but to join his crew if he wanted a share of the gold.
Now werewolf zombie island be a dangerous place and One-Eyed Phil wasn't sure of coming back alive, so he left me his inheritance then just in case.
Well, long story short, that scurvy bilge rat, Captain Lemperle left One-Eyed Phil on ninja island to rot and well, once we rescue me wench, it be off to werewolf zombie island to find Captain Lemperle and the map.
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