Day 35

Jul 23, 2004 13:31

At around 9 this morning, One-Eyed Phil revealed his genuis plan. He turned his back to the guard and pretended like he was eating rice. Well these scurvy ninjas can't get enough of rice, and the gurad opened the cell. Well, One-Eyed Phil knocked out the gurad, collected the keys then freed me.
At around 9 am, all the ninjas like to sit around and meditate, so it be eay to just sneak out ad free me crew from their gibbets. And so we began to pillage ninja island, yaaaaarghhh.
'Twas easy until the ninja army came out of the fort. They be outnumbering me crew by the thousands. But, just when all seemed lost, Vin Deisel jumped off of a roof and yelled "blow shit up" and blow shit up he did, and pretty soon the entire island be ours.
Well, me entire crew be accounted for and em new gunner be Vin Deisel. One-Eyed Phil make s a great sawbones, and the emperor be hangin from me bowsprit, jus like I said.
On the topic of me wenches, me personal wench, she be safe and sound... but as for the second one, wheresthevash, well the records indicate that she be sold to the english governor as a "pleasure slave"
In me opinion, that be counted as meddling, so the english governor be having a black spot on his heasd presently. We be onward to the english colony to pay him a visit.
One-Eyed Phil doesn't like the idea of riding a ship named after him, so we renamed our ship "The Black Wolf"
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