Mar 03, 2009 20:03
I am starting to worry about the receptionist. Every time she does something stupid, which is regularly, I think she has reached her peak. There's no possible way she could be worse than this. At first, I felt sorry for her. I thought perhaps she lacked experience. But I have since been proven wrong. She's just stupid. And the worst part is that she seems to believe she is not.
To make a long story short, she was being instructed to open a Word document via the search function. She was told to right click the file in the search window. When that took to long she was asked to relay each step as she performed it.
Receptionist: "I right click it and nothing happens."
Office Manager: "Are you clicking on the file with the right mouse button?"
Receptionist: "No!" (indignant tone) "I'm dragging the pointer to the right side of the page and clicking."
She was not being sarcastic. This is what she actually did. She has used a computer before.
After being instructed on the proper method of right-clicking, she refused to do it, insisting that it does nothing and the file just wouldn't open.
Now there are some things that can be attributed to lack of experience, but this is just plain stupid.