OMG. For the first couple hours it was looking like another "everything but my AF" run, then with about 45mins left RNG legs drop and I win with a 397 lot. I was kind of amazed that it was just me and one other guy lotting-- I guess everyone wanted NIN or RDM. Now just need Jeuno hat and pimp RNG gogogo :D I played around with RNG AF2 body on Zerika's character in Dynamis the other night and realized it really blows, but it would be nice to have it for looks and storage.
I got a PT on RNG with a cute JP Taru WAR on Friday night-- it was actually a pretty damn good PT until merit parties started showing up. Hopefully there are some solid XP areas in Wings to alleviate this, although admittedly it's not as bad as it used to be. In any case I dinged 70 and I'm @20,000 now. I won't be getting 75 before Wings like I'd hoped, but I guess there's no rush.