Duo'd Temenos North with Iggy for a chest. We got a shitty item (THF) but it was actually pretty fun. Other than me being retarded and pulling the wrong Goblin at one point it wasn't hard at all with MNK and BRD-- the gobs didn't resist a single sleep or elegy, almost too easy to buff. I think I only had like +20CHR too (mp build). I look forward to dragging Iggy repeatedly to this for for NIN item :D Speaking of Limbus I got my first +1 last week-- Choral Cuffs+1. They're retardedly good, I just need more wind and string gear to utilize the 10 singing skill on them.
The In the Name of Science gorgets have been a goal of mine for a long time-- it was cool to finally get one. I'm thinking of going for Light Gorget next for the alternate Ranger WSes (THEY HAVE THEIR USES) but Breeze for Jin and Slugwinder was the big one I wanted. I finally made better swap macros for my Blade: Jin's-- combined with other stuff it makes a noticeable difference. I generally dislike having to swap gear, but it's the way this game is built so might as well get used to it I guess.
900k seemed like a fair price so I said fuck it and just got them. I'm totally broke now, but at least I'll have delicious whitebox as soon as I hit 73. I've had the cunting abj. sitting in storage for like 3 years. I don't have a lot of things I need to buy for endgame RNG, it's more just slogging through Dynamis to get the AF2 I need. Would really like to get a couple of the Limbus pieces too, just need the Temenos item :\
Have a lot more stuff to talk about but I'm too ADD right now to put it all together :(