Jun 13, 2009 18:43
I go away for a little while, drop out of dealing with groups of people due to my life not working right and needing some damage control, and I come back and everything is splintered and everyone is at the others throat. Trying to work through the fallout between what happened to two groups of people, people who on both sides I generally view as friends, or at least as friendly correspondents.
Seeing the sheer amount of bullshittery and batshit craziness that comes from such things, I'm going to say one thing: I may be a very minor player, and a very minor character in such a scene of these things. Some people may not even decide to correspond with me any more because I'm friendly and courteous with people on "the other side". That's fine. If that is how one's quality is, that's alright. I'm not being passive-aggressive, nor am I trying to take pot shots at people for their opinions. The only thing that this proves to me is that I'm going to remain very contented in staying a solitary practitioner of whatever type of spirituality I find appropriate to myself and that any and all correspondences I have with other people will remain in the category of "networking". I like having the opportunity and option of corresponding with people of diverse views, I do not play well with others. This isn't the first time I said it.
So. Anyone who wants an impartial, largely nonjudgmental, correspondent and colleague to bounce ideas and opinions back and forth from, I'll be here. I cannot say that discussions won't become heated. But talking religion and practice is like talking politics - you only do it with people who are mature enough to handle it. I like to think that I am that mature.
And yes, this post is a major ramble. All this defecation hit the rotating oscillator a long time back (months). That's fine. That doesn't change the fact that I'm neutral in this.
Just a few points.