((Bast sniffles mightily before speaking, sounding like he's about ready to burst into tears))
Bastie heard what you said! I'm a good little cat. I didn't hurt that Saint Just person! I don't even know him. I didn't kill him. I've been here longer than he has, and I never hurt anyone.
((There's a very quiet sob before he starts up again.))
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But I do know you, and I know your brother and your sister-in-law and your friends.Poor mad things, but so destructive, like children who'd pull the wings off a fly just to watch it struggle around before dying.
[No one here has heard Armand sound so coldly contemptuous before. He's doing his best imitation of his adopted father.]
You don't know me. You know someone with my name, but you don't know me. I've been here a long time, and this was my home! Now... now it's not.
If you're innocent, then help the authorities find out who did this.
It's people like you that makes people like the Death Eaters. People who assume and throw accusations. You're no better than the Muggles who started the witch trials because they thought something.
Monsieur Lestrange, do not antagonize me. I may not look like a dangerous person, but the St. Justs are willful. My cousin has gone down in history as being so blood-thirsty he was called The Angel of Death. His name and memory are a curse in the France of your time.
My adopted family brought war and near-destruction to their world through nothing worse than thwarted pride. I have not declared war on you. Take care that it stays that way.
Eventually, I was lost to place like this where people like you didn't follow any rules except that the ones weaker than they were were toys to break and abuse. I came back after the Killing Curse. I survived being tortured and used by another. One such as you will not make me afraid. I've been through it all, and now I choose peace.
Can you say the same?
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