Oct 15, 2008 17:27
((Bast sniffles mightily before speaking, sounding like he's about ready to burst into tears))
Bastie heard what you said! I'm a good little cat. I didn't hurt that Saint Just person! I don't even know him. I didn't kill him. I've been here longer than he has, and I never hurt anyone.
((There's a very quiet sob before he starts up again.))
You're all mean! Rabastan Duma Weatta Zehanpuryu'h Cheriour Kokaviel Roelhaiphar Uriron Paschar Apollyon-Abaddon Ghedoriah Itqal Lestrange does not go about doing things like that. I've been here a long, long time, and I never did anything. What about him? He's lying! He's discriminating against cats!