Trusting You to Catch Me - Chapter Twenty-Three

Jul 11, 2012 11:10

Title: Trusting You to Catch Me
Author: Sio & Maura
Rating: NC-17
Length: 136,047
Spoilers: Everything up to On My Way and then deviating from there with minor Big Brother references.
Pairing: Santana/Quinn, Brittany/Santana/Quinn/Rachel friendship, mentions of Brittany/Santana, some Finn/Rachel (not positive)
Summary: Following her accident, Quinn experiences the gamut of emotion: denial to acceptance to healing and everything in between. But through it all are her friends patiently helping her with caring and friendship and maybe more.
Warnings (highlight to read): eating disorders, severe accident recovery, graphic sex, verbal abuse, minor violence, family issues, cheating, body image issues

Chapter 23

"Daniella?" Rachel asked softly, tapping on the door into the woman's home office as she carefully opened it. "I hope I'm not intruding on anything, but I thought perhaps now would be a good time to talk. About Santana?"

The older woman looked up from her laptop and over at Rachel. "Good morning, Rachel." She smiled and took off her glasses and folded them up on the desk. "About Santana?" She looked at her daughter's friend curiously. "Take a seat."

"Yes." She nodded as she moved to sit in front of the desk. "It seemed optimal to broach this subject when she wasn't around as I have no doubt she will be quite furious when she discovers that I told you. However, it is quite imperative for you to be aware of the subject before Quinn and I must depart for college as I am worried she will backslide from the stress of college and being without Quinn."

"Rachel, what are you talking about?" Daniella asked nervously. "Is there something wrong with my daughter? Is she okay?"

"Well," Rachel bit her lip, shrugging, "I suppose okay is relative. She is improving and I hope she will continue to do so. There is something... not right, but I don't want to say that there's anything wrong with her because that's not the right word."

"Can you tell me what it is?" she asked. "It's obviously something that is worrying you, so please just tell me what I can do to help my child."

"She, well..." She sighed. "She has a problem with food. Part of it, I have no doubt, is related to the stresses upon her to maintain an absurdly low weight in her position as a flyer for the Cheerios. Not to mention her stress arising from her home life and being ejected from it. But, in short, she is dangerously underweight despite having improved remarkably since I first spoke with her regarding it." She took a breath and pressed a hand to her chest. "It's something I've had a problem with - though not in the same direction - and struggle with, so I recognized it in her once we began to be friends."

"No," Daniella said disbelievingly. "She's just a small girl... she's not..." The woman swallowed the words that came into her mind at the thought of her daughter having an eating disorder. "Her father's a doctor, he wouldn't let her do that to herself. She's just a thin girl."

"Ma'am, with all due respect, she's two inches taller than me and still at least ten pounds lighter than me and I weight about one hundred and two pounds as of two days ago." Rachel watched her, deliberately not judging her for her reaction. "I'm barely inside of the healthy range for my height and I know that because I've been keeping track for the last five years. It's difficult to maintain weight on my diet with the exercise regimen I insist on maintaining. Santana, however, just doesn't eat and only recently stopped partaking of these vile concoctions known as master cleanse created by the coach for the Cheerios."

"She's anorexic?" Daniella stumbled on her words, "She's starving herself? But, she eats... She has dinner with us."

Rachel nodded. "She tracks what she eats in a notebook. That and her current diet are a result of my interference. She hasn't seen a professional and, honestly, I rather doubt she would go willingly if you attempted to push her to. It's a matter of... control, I think. I doubt she ever really had any under her father's roof or while a member of the Cheerios, so... well, at least she doesn't cut herself?"

"Not exactly what you want to tell a mother," she said softly. "She... was very thin when I came to Lima a few months ago... How... How much did she weigh when you first found out."

"Seventy-eight pounds," she whispered, her eyes never leaving Daniella. "She weighs more now, nearly ninety-five, but she's still very thin. She's improving but you need to understand that this is hard for her to overcome. She'll always struggle with it, the same as I do."

"She could have died," Daniella said softly. "She could have killed herself by not eating..."

"But she didn't. Don't focus on what could have happened." She shook her head. "Just focus on now. If you push her on this, you'll just push her away. Trust me," she whispered with a wan smile, "that's something I know."

"I can't help her if she doesn't want me to know... We're already not close and she's just going to resent me more."

"You can keep an eye on her," she pointed out. "And encourage her to eat, even if it's only a little. If you must... tell her I told you." She smiled sadly. "I can handle her being angry with me over this. Quinn knows as well, but I don't want her to be angry with her about you finding out. And you would have eventually one way or another."

Daniella rubbed her face and tried to gather her emotions. "I... I just want everything to be good for her. It's not fair that she has to feel like this. Like she's not the most beautiful and perfect thing I've ever seen."

"No, it's not fair, but it is what it is. You can't dwell on this as if it's everything that defines her, Daniella. Because it's not. She is still a beautiful and wonderful and very loving girl. This is just a problem she's having. You wouldn't treat her any different if she struggled with math, now would you?"

"It's different when it's your child," she said, looking over at Rachel. "Thank you for telling me." she added, not wanting to be told how to handle her feelings by a teenager anymore. "I'll take care of her."

"It's not as different as you think," she smiled softly, sliding a folded piece of paper across the desk. "That's my dads' email addresses. They went through this with me, so maybe they could help if you want to talk to someone not... well, me."

"Thank you," she said softly. "For helping Santana out... She's lucky to have you and Quinn."

"She's the closest thing I'll ever have to a sister," Rachel admitted, standing up. "I'd walk through fire and over broken glass to help her. The past doesn't matter. Just now and the future. Her and Quinn are as much my family as my fathers are and that's all that matters to me."

"Don't forget the little one that adores you too." Daniella pointed out with a smile. "You are always welcome here, Rachel. Thank you for helping my daughter come back to me."

"You're welcome and thank you for the incredibly kind offer, but I didn't really have anything to do with it. The decision to come was Santana's. I merely provided musical accompaniment on the journey." She smiled brightly.

"Well, whatever the case, my daughter is here and I'm happy to have her and all of you. Now," she clapped her hands together, moving to stand up, "Do you work today? Do you need a ride?"

"Yes, but I quite enjoy the walk." Rachel smiled. "And... please don't push Santana too hard to open up to you. She's very private and won't take well to it. Just... be here for her and," she shrugged, "love her. I think that's all she's ever wanted. Someone to love her. We're fairly similar, so I feel quite confident saying that."

"I do love her," Daniella stated. "She's my little girl, she's always been the love of my life." The older woman smiled, "Now she shares that title, but she's still tied for first."

"Good." Rachel smiled brightly. "I feel incredibly less anxious about leaving for college in a couple of weeks now. I was worried that... well, never mind that now." She laughed. "Well, I guess I'll go get changed for work and be on my way then."

"I'm home all day today, let me know if you'd like a ride home." She smiled, escorting her out of the office. "Have a good day!"

"Thanks." She waved over her shoulder as she headed out to get ready.

Santana laid on Quinn's bed as she waited for the girl to come in from upstairs. They had spent the afternoon at the zoo with Daniella, Rachel and Alejandra but had slipped away for some couple time while everyone else was watching a movie upstairs.

Quinn hesitated outside the door, looking down at the envelope in her hand with trepidation before taking a deep breath and pushing the door open. Closing it behind her, she smiled at Santana lying on the bed. "Hey, baby."

"Hi, what took you so long?" she asked, "We get so little lady kisses time." Santana smiled as she looked over at her lover.

"I," she tapped the envelope against her hand, "had to get something I probably should have given you a while ago." She smiled weakly coming over and sitting next to her on the bed.

"Naked pictures?" she joked as she sat up and looked at her lover. "Quinn... why do you look nervous."

"You don't need naked pictures of me," she tried joking back weakly. "I... I've had this for a while and I think I should give it to you. It's," she handed her the envelope, "it's from your dad."

"Oh," she said as she took the envelope in her hand. "My dad gave it to you? When..." She sighed and looked at it. "I wish it was naked pictures."

"Maybe we can take care of that later," she suggested with a dark blush, "but he gave it to me before we left. A couple days after graduation when you were out shopping with Rach. He came to see you."

"Why?" she asked as she looked at the girl. "Why would he even bother? I don't really care what he has to say."

"Because he might be an asshole, but you're still his daughter?" She shrugged. "I don't know. He wanted you to have that though."

"Not like he wanted me," Santana mumbled as she ran her finger over the flap and opened the envelope. She looked at it for a few minutes before turning it over and dumping the contents out onto the bedspread. Folded sheets of paper fell out, a tiny velvet bag, a key to a storage locker and a large wad of what looked to be twenties. "Oh look, he's paying me off..."

"Don't be an ass, baby," Quinn chided gently, slipping an arm around her waist. "He said that was money for the trip we were taking. I just... didn't want to start it off with you thinking about him."

"Thank you," Santana whispered as she turned her head to kiss Quinn's temple. "I don't want to know what he said... I don't want to hear the excuses that I know are in there."

"Promise you won't throw it all away?" she asked softly, looking into Santana's eye. "Promise you'll read it someday when you're less angry and we can take those pictures..."

Santana nodded and folded up the letter and items together and put them on the nightstand. "Wait... did you say pictures?"

Quinn blushed and bit her lip with a shy smile but she nodded. "If you can ignore my scars, maybe...we could. If you want..."

The smaller girl just stared at her lover, her mouth slightly ajar as her mind worked through several senerios that would involve Quinn, undressed and her camera.

Quinn worried at her lower lip nervously. "'s okay right? You want that, right? I, um," she swallowed, growing more nervous as Santana didn't appear to respond, "we don't have to if you don't want to..."

Without a moment passing, Santana quickly closed the gap between them. She kissed Quinn hard as she let her hands slide down to Quinn's thighs to start working the girl's dress off.

"W-what?" Quinn stammered, caught off balance by the sudden change. "What's happening?"

"I'm kissing you," Santana panted. "I couldn't figure out any words to respond to you... so I thought kissing might work," she tried explaining as she let her hands rest of Quinn's hips, "Can... Can I keep taking this off?"

"You want to?" she asked softly, reaching back to unzip her dress. "Even though I'm all scarred up still?"

"I think you are the sexiest woman no matter what," Santana explained. "You're beautiful," she said as she pulled the fabric up over the girl's head and tossed it onto the floor. "Would it be okay if I took those pictures of you? So I can look at them and think about how sexy you are and how much I love you?"

"As long as you're the only one who will see them," she whispered shyly as she reached back to unfasten her bra and carefully slide it off. "You're the only one I want to see me like this."

"I'm highly jealous," she said as she got off the bed and grabbed Quinn's camera from the desk. "I'm not gonna go get mine, I'll just put the pictures on my memory card after," she explained as she watched Quinn undressing with facinated interest. "No one will ever see them."

"I want you to see them though," she whispered, sliding her panties off her body as a deep blush colored her cheeks and upper chest. She swallowed before settling back on the bed in what she hoped was a provocative pose, "H-how do you want me, baby?"

"Holy fuck," Santana whispered as she took a first photo, before moving to kneel on the end of the bed. "I want you like you look when I kiss you until you still writhing. How beautiful and angelic you look when we're making love," she whispered as she leaned down and kissed Quinn's inner thigh, unable to not touch her lover.

"I don't know how to do that," she admitted shyly, unable to help the blush spreading over her pale skin. "I don't know how to be sexy like you..."

"That's why your sexy," she replied, snapping another photo of Quinn from the waist up with a deep blush spread across her skin. Santana leaned down and pressed another kiss to her belly button then up to Quinn's nipple. She sucked on it for a moment before pulling away when Quinn started writhing.

Quinn whimpered, trying to keep her eyes open and on Santana as she writhed on the bed. Her legs spread apart almost involuntarily as she moaned softly.

"I want to be able to see you like this all the time, even when you're not in my bed and I'm not in yours," she whispered against Quinn's skin as she peppered kisses across her chest. She pulled away and took another photo once she placed Quinn's own hand on her breast.

"San," Quinn gasped, kneading her breast as she arched back against the pillows. "T-tell me what to do..."

"Touch yourself for me?" she asked settling herself next to Quinn's side so she would get better photos. "Please."

"Tell me how," she whispered, dragging her lust darkened eyes open to look at Santana as she ran her free hand down her body to caress her inner thigh. "T-tell me what to do, baby."

Taking another photo before looking back at Quinn. "Are you wet yet?" she asked. "Can you check and if you are spread it around and up to your clit."

Quinn licked her lips and kept her eyes on Santana as she carefully slid her fingers between her folds to gather some of her arousal. "Yes," she whimpered, shivering as she drew it up to massage into her clit. "Can you see?"

Santana nodded, too distracted by the action to document it. "Wow," she whispered, watching her girlfriend stroke herself.

"Are you just going to w-watch?" she asked, her voice shaking with want as she nodded at the camera. Her other hand slid down to hold her folds open as she spread her legs further. "S-should I just touch myself like," she gasped softly, "like this?"

"Does it feel good?" she asked softly. "Do you want to make yourself come?" Santana whimpered as she raised the camera and took photos of Quinn's face as it projected nothing but pleasure.

"Rather you would," she whimpered, her breath coming slightly faster. "It's better with you... But t-this is about you, right?" she asked, her fingers sliding from her clit down to rub against her entrance as she watched Santana. "Should I?"

"No," santana whispered, "It's about us... I want to be the one who goes inside you from now on," she said. "I want to be inside you, so just play with your clit if that's okay..."

"Okay," she whispered, watching Santana as she moved back up to stroke herself again. "I...I think I'm close... Wish you were t-touching me..."

"I can after a few more pictures if you can hold off," she whispered, her camera capturing still shots of Quinn's face and hands.

"Please," she groaned, dark eyes on Santana as she slowed her movements. She panted, chest heaving and jaw dropped, as she watched her. "Don't... don't wanna finish without you."

"Never," she whispered putting the camera aside and leaning over and kissing her hard. She slipped her hand down to find Quinn's and take over its movements.

She arched up into her touch, her hand sliding away to tangle in the back of Santana's shirt and pull her closer with a whimper. "Fuck," she hissed against Santana's lips, feeling the start of an orgasm rapidly building now that the other girl was touching her. "S-so close, baby..."

Santana circled her clit and pinched it lightly as she kissed her lover. "I love you so much," she whispered against the girl's lips as she felt Quinn start to quake underneath her.

"L-love you too," came out in a choked gasp as she came. She clung to Santana, nails digging in through her shirt. She didn't care how it looked - her naked under a fully clothed Santana with the girl's fingers on her clit - she had who she wanted and she didn't want to let go.

The girl kept rubbing Quinn as she came down, pressing soft kisses down her neck and chest until she felt her quivering cease. After a moment she pulled her hand away and licked her fingers off before grabbing the camera and taking another photo of Quinn, looking saited and throughly fucked. "So stunning," she whispered before putting the camera away and laying down next to her. "Thank you for that."

"For what?" she whispered, still sounding that little mix of dazed and satisfied she always did after they had sex as she shifted to curl into Santana's side.

"Being my girlfriend? Loving me? Letting me take dirty, dirty pictures of you?" She smiled and kissed Quinn's neck.

Quinn laughed breathlessly into her shoulder as she hugged her. "Letting you get away with way too much clothes when you just had your fingers in my junk?" she asked pointedly, plucking at her shirt.

"On your junk," she teased. "I've yet to be in your junk, remember."

She just smirked and toyed with Santana's collar. "That could be changing," she murmured, not really looking at Santana. "Soon I think."

"Whenever you're ready, beautiful," Santana said with a smile. "I'm happy with what we are doing."

"You're too hard to resist." She laughed, pulling her into a kiss. "It's messing up my plans."

Santana kissed back and laughed softly. "I don't mean to mess up your plans, I just want to love you."
"Considering those plans are about your being in..." She blushed darkly, trailing off with a suggesting glance down their bodies.

"Tell me about these plans," Santana said wiggling her eyebrows.

Quinn blushed and hid her face in Santana's neck, but mumbled something that sounded distinctly like dorm room and Yale and if Santana didn't know better she'd definitely think Quinn was talking about letting her deflower her - figuratively at least since Puck got there first obviously - in her dorm room.

"That sounds nice," she whispered. "Can I bring candles? Maybe jack a bottle of wine for us?" she suggested as she ran her fingers through the girl's hair.

"It's not too weird?" she asked softly, pulling back a little to look up at Santana. "I just... I want it to be special..." Her stomach was doing backflips and she was certain her palms were appallingly damp, "and I can't think of anything else."

"It's perfect," Santana said, leaning down to kiss her lover's lips. "You're perfect and I can't wait... because it will be amazing and special because it's you and me."

"Are you sure? Cause the more I think about it, the more it just seems really stupid and we should just," she shrugged, watching her fingers play with Santana's top, "get it over with, you know?"

"It's not something you just get over, babe. I want it to be special, for both of us you know?"

"I just want it done," she admitted softly. "I'm a mess just thinking about it now. How am I not gonna mess this all up when we actually try and do it?"

"Do... you want to now? Is that where you're going?" she asked simply. "I don't want things like this to freak you out. It's special..."

"I know it's special." She sighed. "I just... I don't know." She bit her lip, worrying it as she kept toying with Santana's shirt. "I just don't want to be so nervous about it," she whispered. "I mean, it's you. You won't hurt me or anything... I just can't stop thinking I'll make a mess of it."

"You won't, I promise, just don't think about it... okay? I promise you it will happen when it happens," she whispered and kissed her cheek.

"But it's all I can think about since we... you know." She blushed with a breathless little laugh. "I want to... but I want it to be perfect and... it's really not, is it?"

"it's perfect if I'm with you." She smiled. "No matter what."

"You're a romantic sap." She laughed. "Who'd have guessed?"

"Baby... do you just want to?" she asked softly as she stroked her lover's stomach. "Take the pressure off... and you won't have to be nervous."

"W-what if someone walks in?" She hated the way her voice wavered at the feeling of Santana's fingers brushing over her skin, making her sound more nervous that she was. "God, what if Rachel walks in? Or your sister?"

"We're on couple time," she whispered, "No ones coming in. The door's locked beautiful..."

"You're still dressed," she pointed out softly. She swallowed, looking up at her shyly, their height difference negated in the bed, "I don't think you should be for... this."

Without preamble, Santana pulled off her t-shirt and kicked off her pants. she pulled off her panties and bra. Looking at Quinn for a moment, she moved quickly to Quinn's desk and grabbed the candle off it. Coming back to the bed, she lit it with the lighter from her pants and set it on the nightstand before sliding back in the bed with her. "Better?"

"I was slightly afraid of what you were going to do with that," she chuckled warily, pointing at the candle, "but yes." She leaned in to kiss her, sliding until their bodies were pressed together with a soft sigh as the kiss ended. "Much better."

"I wanted it to be romantic, dumbass." She smirked and turned off the lamp to make it darker. She leaned down and pressed her lips to Quinn's as she let her hands stroke down the girl's body and start teasing her again.

"I'm a little scared," she whispered, her body starting to react to Santana's touch again. "It didn't feel very good last time I did this..."

"I'll make you feel good, beautiful," she whispered as she leaned down and captured a nipple between her lips. "I promise I won't be like Puck."

She squeaked softly, arching up into Santana's touch, her hands sliding up to tangle in the girl's hair. "I t-trust you," she gasped, spreading her legs so Santana could settle between them.

Santana slipped down her lover's body and pressed soft kisses to her skin before settling between her girlfriend's legs. She looked up and smiled before slipping her tongue through Quinn's folds. She lapped softly at her core, moaning at the taste of her essence. She toyed with her still sensitive clit for a minute before slipping down and slowly starting to press her tongue into her lover's core, penetrating her for the first time.

Quinn whimpered, her legs drawing up as her hips angled to try and give Santana a better angle and her fingers tightened in dark hair. "God," she whispered, her eyes closing at the feeling of being entered flashed over her.

She slowly slid her tongue in and out while her thumb pressed against her clit. She waited a few minutes before replacing her thumb with her tongue and sliding her hand down under her chin. Slipping her finger inside the girl up to the first knuckle, she looked up to see any signs to stop.

She dragged her head up to look down her body at Santana as she ran her fingers through her hair. "M-more," she breathed. "I'm yours."

Santana moaned lowly as she slid all the way in. She pulled out and looked up at Quinn as she slid a second finger in along with the first. "You feel... fuck..." she gasped as her attention dropped back to her hand pumping slowly in and out of her lover.

"San," Quinn moaned, tugging on her hair to try and get her to come up. "C-come here..."

She moved up and straddled Quinn's thigh, grinding her core against it as she thrust into her and curled her fingers. "So fucking tight," she whimpered as she kept moving and pressed her lips to the other girl's.

She moaned, a hand slipping from hair to shoulder to pull her close as she tried to all but devour her through her mouth. A leg wrapped around her hip, heel digging slightly into her thigh as the girl began to move with her. "F-fuck," she whispered when she pulled back enough to gulp air, her chest heaving. "C-can... deeper? Or... something. I don't know..."

"Fuck," She groaned as she started thrusting harder and faster. She rocked the bed with her thrusts and grunted as she rubbed her own core against Quinn's leg. "Is... that good.. or another..." she gasped dropping her head to Quinn's shoulder, "finger."

"Try?" she panted. "N-not sure. I don't... don't know yet." She pulled Santana's chin until she could look in her eyes, "Want... you," she swallowed hard with a low, guttural moan as Santana hit a good spot inside, "next."

"Okay," she panted as she slipped in a third finger. She thrust slowly, trying to make sure Quinn was okay with the new amount of pleasure.

Quinn arched her hips up off the bed, writhing under Santana. It was close to what she thought she wanted, but at the same time too much. "T-too much," she gasped, "just... just two. Please." She whimpered in frustration, sliding a hand down Santana's arm to her free hand and dragging it up to her breast. "Touch me."

"Demanding," Santana chuckled as she used her index and ring finger to fuck her. She leaned down and kissed and nipped at Quinn's neck, her hand tweaking and rubbing at her breast.

"Yes," she moaned, spreading her legs a little wider and rolling her hips up to meet each thrust, "you... you love it though."

"Yes, I do," she grunted as she continued to thrust, her thumb moving to press against Quinn's clit.

Quinn cried out softly, reaching up behind her to hold onto the headboard as her body rocked with the force of their joining. She was trembling on the edge of orgasm, but she managed to drag her eyes open to meet Santana's at the last moment. "L-love you," she gasped before her head pressed back into the pillows and her body arched up against Santana's as her muscles spasmed in climax.

Santana moaned softly into Quinn's neck as she felt her walls squeezing her fingers as she continued to thrust slowly in and out. When it got too tight to move any longer, she just left her hand limp inside her lover.

She felt like crying when she finally came down, clutching to Santana. Not the bad sort of crying, but because she just had too many emotions that she couldn't contain any more. A broken attempt at a sob escaped her control and she buried her face in Santana's shoulder. "Thank you," she gasped, clinging to her and trying to get her emotions back under control. "I love you so much..."

Santana kissed her girlfriend softly and ran her fingers through the girl's hair. "I love you too, baby," she whispered. "You're so amazing. Thank you for giving me this."

Quinn laughed waterily, trying to wipe away her tears. "Who else would I give it to? Rachel? You're it for me, San."

"You're it for me too," she said softly. "Can we not mention Rachel while my fingers are still inside you?" she asked as she wiggled her digits.

"Only if they promise to come back to visit lots," she whispered, deliberately flexing her muscles to clench her walls on the slender digits as she leaned up to kiss Santana possessively. "I know you're wet, baby," she murmured against her lips, shifting her thigh to press against Santana's hot core. "Can I take care of it for you?"

"Please, baby." She whimpered, "I want you to take me... please, baby."

Quinn carefully rolled them over so she was on top before reaching down between them and carefully pulled the girl's fingers out of her with a wet sound that was so audible in the silence of the room, she blushed. "Can I," she nodded down their bodies, licking her lips, "like you did to me the first time?"

"I've... only done that once." She blushed. "Do... you really want that?"

"I want everything with you," she whispered, kissing down Santana's neck to suck gently on her collarbone. "Do you want it?"

"We... can try..." She whimpered. "I can stop if I don't like it right?"

"Of course." She nodded. "I, um... I've never done anything like this before, like ever not even with a guy, so... I hope I don't mess up," she admitted with a dark blush as she placed shy kisses over Santana's upper chest.

"It's easy," she whispered. "Just... I'm nervous."

"Me too," she admitted. "Guide me?" she asked, taking one of Santana's hands and placing it on the back of her head. "I want this to be as good for you as it is for me when you do it..."

Santana nodded and watched Quinn as she decended down her body.

Quinn took her time, wanting it to be special. She brushed her lips over her lover's body, caressing her breasts and sucking on her nipples until they were stiff peaks she could tug gently with her teeth before sliding down further. She didn't focus on the still slightly too angular juts of her hips, but she brushed gentle kisses over them as she worked her way down down to kiss and nip lightly at her thighs as she worked up her courage to do more than brush her lips against the top of the smooth mound that was her destination.

Santana watched, her breath caught as she saw her lover drop down her body and kiss her skin. She shook with want as she saw Quinn's lips gently caress her thighs.

Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath - inadvertently inhaling the rich musk of her lover's arousal and letting the breath out as a guttural moan of want that seemed to originate somewhere around her core. Rolling her eyes up to look at Santana, she carefully licked her lips before letting her tongue run up along her slit in a broad stroke. Her breath catching in her throat at the taste of the girl's skin, she slid her tongue between the wet folds and stroked up, lashing the girl's clit almost by accident as she whimpered at the taste.

The smaller girl squeaked at the feeling, her body shaking as she felt the soft lap of Quinn's tongue. "Oh fuck," she mumubled as she felt her body tensing at the action out of instinct.

"Is this okay?" Quinn asked, looking up worriedly as she felt the tension through her hands that had slid down to press gently on her stomach. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Just different then the other kind of sex," she said. "It's okay. Keep going."

"Okay," she breathed, unaware of how her hot breath felt flowing over the girl's shaved mound as she spoke. Settling back down, her tongue darted out to moisten her lips again before she tried the long stroke between her folds again, careful to watch for the little twitch she thought she'd seen the first time as she hit the clit. Her breath coming a little faster, she nuzzled her lips between hot folds to draw the sensitive fold tissue between her lips and suckle, gently batting the head of her clit with her tongue nervously.

Santana bit her lip and arched her hips up at the feeling. Brittany had only done this to her once, It wasn't great then, but the feelings Quinn was making her feel were causing her head to spin.

Quinn pressed down on her lower stomach gently, pushing her back how she wanted her as she released the bud to gently rake her teeth over it before moving to suck on her thigh hard - it was rare for her, but she really wanted to mark Santana in that moment. She bit slightly on the bit of skin she'd managed to capture, watching Santana for reactions as she stroked her free hand over her hip and slowly slid two fingers through her folds.

Santana gasped and clutched Quinn's hair between her fingers at the bite. "Baby," she whispered, her breath hitching when Quinn filled her with her fingers.

Pulling away from her thigh and the redding mark she'd left, she gently soothed it with her tongue before turning back to her core. "I want you to feel good, San," she whispered, pumping slowly in and out before leaning in to take her clit between her lips to suck again.

"" she whimpered. It was all she could get out as she thrashed wordlessly, her body nearly coming off the bed with need.

Quinn wordlessly picked up the pace, curling her fingers to rub against Santana's walls as she sucked at her clit, teasing with gentle nips to the sensitive bud. After a few minutes, Santana contorted, her body spasming around her lover's fingers. She gasped as she released a gush of liquid around Quinn's fingers and squeaked softly before falling back to the bed limply.

Quinn stroked her a few more times before pulling out and letting go. Crawling back up her body while licking her lips, she pulled her limp lover into her arms. "Was that okay?" she asked softly, worried she'd messed up.

"Broken," she whispered hoarsely. "Came really hard."

Quinn laughed softly and cuddled close. "Want to just leave the door locked and let the monsters fend for themselves for the night?"

"I promised that I would put the shrimp to bed," she said softly as she wrapped herself around Quinn.

"Mmm..." She nodded, placing little kisses along Santana's neck. "promise to come right back after? I'm gonna lay here and pout cause you gotta get dressed."

"We have to get dressed to let Rachel go to bed, babe," she whispered. "And I need to shower before I go near my sister since I fucking squirted all over myself."

"I liked it and Rachel has her own room," Quinn snorted. "I don't have to get dressed for her to go to bed unless you're saying you want her in here with us."

"Nope, just thought she'd walk through here to get to her room." She smiled."At least to come say goodnight, but you stay naked," she said with a smirk, "and I'll undress before I come back to you."

"Santana, she doesn't have to come through here. She just is obsessed with saying good night," Quinn snorted. "And hugging you."

The smaller girl shook her head and kissed Quinn. "I'm gonna shower, baby, stay here and stay naked."

"Knowing you're in there naked doesn't encourage me to stay in here," she teased, leaning in to kiss her. "Don't forget I love you while you're gone."

"Needy." She winked as she pulled away and scampered into the bathroom across the hall. Santana quickly showered and slipped back into Quinn's bedroom. She dried her body and found a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to throw on before sitting on the edge of the bed and drying her hair. "Did you miss me?"

She wrapped her arms around her waist and kissed her thigh. "Always," she smiled up at her. "Promise you won't take long? Not really looking forward to being surprised by Rachel before you get back."

"I'll be back quickly," she said as she got up and slipped out of the room and up the stairs. She moved to the edge of the couch near Daniella and smiled as she saw Rachel and Alejandra cuddling on the couch. "Bedtime for Allie soon?"

Daniella nodded with a smile for her eldest. "You'll have to pry her off Rachel first. She's going to be a mess when her playmate goes off to New York for the school year."

"Yeah, but she still has me," she shrugged, "so I'll have to do for the time being."

"She's just not used to having so many people looking out for her," Daniella smiled up at her. "You're amazing. Just... don't be surprised if she gets extra needy of your attention and affection for awhile before she adjusts back. Not that I think she'll grow out of wanting you around, Santana. No more than I will."

Santana nodded and rubbed the back of her neck. "I'm gonna be lost without them... they've been everything since I got kicked out. They loved me when I didn't know anyone else did."

"Well, you know you've got two more now," she murmured, reaching up to squeeze her hand. "And I can pretty much guarantee you'll have little girl cuddles most every night if you don't tell her no."

"I kinda think that's awesome." She chuckled and rubbed her bony knee. "Rach... bedtime for munchkins..."

Rachel whimpered, waking up with a yawn and a stretch. "Come on, Alejandra. Time for bed."

"Nuh-uh," the little girl mumbled, "wanna stay with Rach. Comfy."

Santana went over and kissed her sister's head. "Come on, hermana," she whispered, "let's say good night to Mami and then I'll tuck you in like I promised."

"Can Rach come?" she asked, reaching for Santana sleepily. "I wanna sleep with her."

"We'll see, but it's bedtime for you," she said as she scooped up the girl and brought her over to kiss her mom goodnight. "Say goodnight to mom."

"Night, Mami," she mumbled, leaning down like a limp little monkey to kiss her mom good night. "Can Rach sleep with me?"

"Night, baby. She can if she wants." Daniella smiled, giving her youngest a hug and kiss before patting her back as she swung back up to hug her sister's neck.

Rachel stretched, getting up. "I don't mind," she murmured. "But it's definitely time for bed."

"Come on, monkey face, bedtime for you and Rachel," Santana said softly as she headed for the stairs and climbed up them to Alejandra's room.

She laid the girl down on her bed, after pulling the purple bedspread back and sat on the edge. Alejandra grabbed her new stuffed tiger that Quinn had bought her at the zoo and held it in her arms, cuddling up against her sister.

"Did you have a fun time with us at the zoo?" she asked, as she rubbed her sister's back.

"Uh-huh. Can we go again sometime?" she asked sleepily as Rachel headed downstairs to change into her pajamas. "Just you and me maybe?"

"Of course." She smiled. "Just us."

"Good," she mumbled sleepily as Rachel came back in a few minutes later. "I love you, Tana."

"I love you too, you know," Rachel murmured with a little smile, leaning in to kiss Santana on the cheek as she crawled into the twin bed that was just barely big enough for her and the little girl. "Now go back to your girlfriend. She was complaining about being cold so I hope you'll give her a hug for me as I didn't feel it appropriate to enter her room."

"She's in a inappropriate state of dress for company," Santana smirked as she tucked them both in. "I love you too," she said kissing Rachel's head before leaning down to do the same to her sister. "Night, squirt," she said softly. "Te amo," she added in a whisper before slipping out of the room and back down the stairs.

universe: tytcm, fic: trusting you to catch me, pairing: santana/quinn, co-writer: maura

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