The Way To Each Other - Chapter Thirty-Five

Mar 27, 2009 13:23

Title: The Way To Each Other
Author: Sio & Maura
Rating: Hard NC-17
Length: Epic (230,271)
Spoilers: This is AU. Some mentions of Seasons 1 & 2 events though handled differently than in canon.
Pairing: Santana/Quinn
Summary: Santana's life is far harder than it appears to the average viewer. Her dad's in jail and her mom turns tricks in their old family home. Worst yet, Santana herself has to do the same to keep her mom alive and food in her belly. Can Quinn save her? Or will Quinn's domineering father ruin everything? For the Glee Bang
Warnings (highlight to read): talks of suicide, angst, language, graphic het and femslash sex, non-con, dub-con, oral, vaginal, anal, pedophilia, sex work, underage prostitution, abuse, violence sexual and non, minor character death, self-harm, drug use, disease - HIV

Chapter 35

The twin rooster tails of dust kicking up from the back tires of Cindy’s Wrangler did nothing to appease the roiling in Quinn’s stomach as she watched her girlfriend and her aunt’s wife drive off. Part of her wanted to chase after them, yelling at them to wait for her and take her away with them, away from Russell’s visit. But she just stood there, Fabray stoic and simply thanked Cindy over and over for taking Santana away.

She closed her eyes to rein in her emotions and work on rebuilding the mask her father preferred. It’d been so long since she’d had to really use it and it hurt piecing it back together, but she did it to protect herself and Santana. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Rebecca placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and spoke softly, having missed the quiet sound of the woman coming up behind her altogether.

"Everything is okay," Rebecca sighed as she watched her wife and daughter drive away. "We knew this would happen someday... That he'd come to check up on us." she ran her hand through her hair, "I made sure to put everything that had a picture of me and Cindy away and I put some of the photos of you and Santana away."

“I hate him,” Quinn muttered with quite loathing. “I wish he would just abandon me like a regular person would. He already threw me away. Why the hell is he even coming?”

"Because he's possessive and an egotistical douche bag who likes to control the people in his life." Rebecca sighed, "Okay, so ground rules, Cindy only works at the vet clinic and doesn’t live here... He knows we have been friends since college. He will insult her race and the fact she's native. He will make off color comments about her profession." she ground her teeth and tried to keep her mask in place. "He will be horrible to me, the last time you saw us interact you were little and you didn't see the worst of it."

Quinn sighed, her shoulders slumping as she nodded, “I can’t mention Santana. Not that she’s here. Not that I love her. She can’t exist for me while he's here...” That part hurt the worst for her. Denying the girl she loved. She closed her eyes against the tears that wanted to come out and fought to hold the pain squeezing her heart back with the knowledge that once he left she’d be able to curl up in the girl’s arms and try to forget him again.

"I know... I'm so sorry you have to go through this... It would be fine if it was just to me... But it's not fair you have to hide your happiness." She led the girl back inside the house. "it will be okay. Twenty-four hours from now we can have our lives back..."

“It’s not right that he should get to take any of it from us,” Quinn argued. “He left us. He ditched me on you because he didn’t want me anymore but he still can’t keep his goddamn fingers out of my life!” She growled softly, angry and upset. “I don’t want to see him! I don’t want him here or anywhere near me!”

Rebecca turned Quinn's chin so she could look into her eyes. "If I don't let him come... He will... Bad things will happen to us okay? He'll take you away. He'll... Look, my brother is a jerk who I made a mistake asking for help from a long time ago... He... He's coming because he can and he knows it." she looked away ashamed that she had to let her bother come.

“He can’t, right?” Quinn asked hesitantly, “He can’t make me go anywhere... right? I mean... I’m eighteen. That’s got to mean something. He can’t make me do anything, right?” She was sounding scared and worried all at once, “He can’t make me...”

"We gotta play by his rules for a little while longer," she whispered before pulling Quinn into a hug, "I promise I'll make him go away and leave us alone."

“I don’t want to play by his rules,” Quinn was trembling in her aunt’s arms she was so scared, “I don’t want to be my sister...” Frannie had been an active, fun loving girl and Quinn’s biggest idol - right up until she’d “gone away to college” and come back as Mrs. Elijah Jackson, one of her father’s fellow church deacons.

"I have a check to give him and then he will leave us, I hope, okay?" she whispered and rubbed the girl’s back, "He won't take you away.. He can't. Legally, we can call the cops if he tries. He abandoned you with me and you've been here for nearly two years." she kissed the girls head. "I think he wants to check up on us..."

“I don’t care what he wants!” Quinn exploded, pushing away. “He has no right to do this to me! To any of us! To hell with him and his goddamn rules! He’s not my father and I don’t want to see him!”

"Quinn... Do you think I want to see him? My abusive older brother that has kept me in his life only to make mine worse? That I had to watch him hurt you?" she was trying to hold off tears at much as she could. "Look... I don't want you to have to see him. I would give nothing to keep you from him, but I can't, not this time. He's coming and then he's gone."

And just like that, the Fabray mask was back in place. Quinn glanced over at her aunt with the cold, unfeeling expression she’d learned so well under her father’s tutelage growing up. “Fine,” her voice matched her expression, the cool, controlling tone that had ruled the halls of McKinley. “But I will not tolerate his presence any longer than I absolutely must. He may be a necessary evil, but after today, I will do whatever I have to to erase him completely from my life.”

Rebecca pulled away and excused herself up to her and Cindy's bedroom to try and collect her thoughts before her brother showed up. She hated how much Quinn could remind her of him when she shut down her emotions. She sat in front of her mirror and put on a light layer of makeup and carefully slid off her wedding ring. She looked at the photo on her vanity of Santana, Cindy and Quinn all laughing and wearing pajamas from the first Christmas the girls spent with them. She smiled sadly and put the photo in the drawer.

Half an hour later and almost half-way to the spa Cindy had made reservations at, she glanced over to the girl behind the wheel. “How are you doing there, kiddo? Starting to get the hang of driving yet?”

"I wanna go home." she said softly, her hands gripping the wheel tightly. "I don't want her to be alone... She's gonna shut down."

Cindy reached over and gently patted her thigh, “It’d be worse for her if you were there. You know she’d want to protect you from that asshole Becca calls a brother. This way, she can focus on protecting herself.”

"I could have hid in the barn," she said softly, "He hates me, but at least she would have known I was there not running away..."

“Santana, she knows you’re there for her. In the most important way possible,” she put a hand over her own heart. “In here. Do you think I like leaving Becca on her own with that asshole?”

"He used it hit her sometimes... If she gets hurt... If he hurts her..." Santana looked over and looked scared. "I can't let her get hurt."

“I swear to you, if he hurts her, I’m going after him with the tire iron from the back of this Jeep.” Cindy looked deadly serious, “I can promise you - promise, Santana - that if he hurts either of our girls, I may just kill him. At the very least, he will not be walking his ass to jail.”

Santana sighed and turned onto the road when the GPS told her to. She stayed quiet as she drove. "My only goal in life was to get her away from him... And now he's back and gonna try to take her away."

“Oh, bullshit. She’s eighteen now. If he tries to take her, that’s kidnapping. If he tries taking her back to Ohio, it’s a federal offense. He’d never get out of prison and he’d never survive in prison.” She leaned against the door and watched her daughter drive, “Can you just imagine that soft son of a bitch in prison? I’d almost feel sorry enough to give him a nice big jar of Vaseline as a going away gift.” She snorted, “But on second thought, I think the experience would be better dry, don’t you?”

"Can... Can we not talk about rape?" she whispered as she drove, "I don't care about what happens to him, I don't care if he goes to jail.." she kept her eyes on the road as she drove. "I just... I just want her to be okay."

“Well, trust me on the basis of my fairly long relationship with another headstrong Fabray woman, okay? Her main concern?” Cindy reached over and tapped her daughter’s shoulder, “Is always going to be you. As long as she knows that you are safe, then she can put all her effort into making sure she can be safe. Which is why we’re doing this. As long as you’re off with me getting pampered, she can throw up every defense to keep him from her without any worry about you.”

Santana just nodded. "I guess..."

Rebecca had sent Quinn out to the barn to check on the horses while she finished up putting everything away that might send Russell into a fit. She looked around and sighed, her home looked unlived in and unloved. She rubbed her ring finger with the unfamiliar ring she rarely wore sitting in place of her wedding set and watched as a BMW drove up the driveway. Rebecca exited to the porch and saw Russell get out of the car and look around the outside of the farm.

"Hello," Rebecca said as she looked at her older brother, "how was your flight?"

“Lovely,” he all but sneered, stalking up the stairs to the porch, “I just love flying commercial. Where’s my daughter?”

"She's finishing up her chores at the barn. She will be up here in a few moments." she said as she escorted him into the house. "Coffee?"

“No, thank you.” The barest trace of a smile curved his lips, “I’m mostly just here to ensure you haven’t completely corrupted her. I have plans for that little girl, just like I did for her sister.”

"You sent her here to live in the middle of nowhere and have to be home schooled so she would have to stay away from everyone. What could I do to corrupt her?" she snapped, "Quinn is doing very well and graduated with honors, not that you asked."

He looked her over with a sneer. "Corrupt her to want to emulate your unnatural ways, of course. Women are meant to be married to a man, Rebecca, not their careers. You defy God at your peril, woman."

"I'm pretty sure god wants us to be married to him, not be the possession of a man." she replied, "Quinn isn’t going to be set up to be married like Frannie was." Rebecca snapped, "She's going to get an education and choose who and when she gets married herself."

"What she is going to do is go to a good Christian college and marry a good white man, the way God intended," he growled, stepping into her space and trying to physically dominate her. "She's not going to humiliate her family the way you have, consorting with that red nigger squaw of yours. You ought to find yourself some human company someday instead of a bitch who gets off servicing animals."

"Back up, Russell." she said, "What I do with my life is none of your worry and honestly, since you threw Quinn away, what she does isn’t your worry either."

“Get off her.” The low growl of an angry woman came from behind Russell and it almost was enough to send a shiver down the man’s spine.

He turned slowly with an oily smile, “Quinn, sweetie. There you are. Your aunt and I were just talking about you.”

Quinn crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him like he was some slimy thing she’d just scraped off her shoe. “I don’t really care. What do you want?”

“Why, to see my daughter of course!” He stepped towards Quinn with his arms out as if to hug her.

She stepped back out of reach. “Don’t touch me. I’m not your daughter. You made that very clear when you abandoned me here.”

His smile vanished into a frown, “Now listen here, you little -”

“No,” Quinn’s voice was a whip, lashing at him, “you listen. I’m eighteen. I’m an adult and you have no power over me.”

"Quinn, calm down please." Rebecca whimpered and looked down at the floor obviously shaken.

The man sneered, a blustering bull turning red in the face, “You cannot tell me what to do. I will drag you from here by your goddamn hair, you little bitch.”

“I’d like to see you try,” she sneered back, having inherited every ounce of his stubborn refusal to back down and fiery temper.

"Quinn." Rebecca said as she moved next to her niece and touched her arm. "Don't make this worse. Please just both of you settle down."

“This is what he does,” Quinn hissed, not taking her eyes off the man, “he comes in and threatens and blusters and just makes everyone miserable.”

“I see your aunt’s allowed you to become lippy, young woman,” He sneered at her, visibly calming down that it was fairly obvious that his sister had control of the girl. “Maybe I should have sent you to a good Christian boarding school to make sure you received proper values training instead of this place.”

"We go to mass every Sunday, she's been perfect here. You are making her upset, of course she's gonna be angry!" Rebecca calmly stated, "Russell please stop treating her as a child. She's grown and makes her own decisions now."

“No,” He growled in that low I-rule-this-place manner of his, “she’ll be grown when she’s pregnant with her husband’s first child.” He pointed at Quinn with a sneer, “Like a proper woman. She’s not going to be like you, Rebecca.”

Quinn’s lips tightened, but she restrained herself from responding any more than glaring at him and wishing he was dead.

"Russell, what are you doing here other than aggravating her and insulting me?" Rebecca asked, already trying to shake off a migraine.

“I’m here for the money you owe me,” he held out his hand, “I’m tried of waiting for you to pay me back. All of it. Now, thank you.” He smirked, assuming with the added burden of Quinn in her life, she wouldn’t have it and would have to agree to whatever he demanded to make up for it.

Rebecca reached on her pocket and handed him a check. "Twenty thousand." she said softly, "That's the rest that I owe from the forty thousand you lent me." she said. She was hesitant to give him the money. They were not rich, not at all... but she wanted him gone from Quinn's life and she was willing to sacrifice to achieve that.

He took the check almost hesitantly, looking at it in surprise. “Ah, well then. I’ll just take this to the bank right now and cash it,” he smirked at her, assuming she’d beg him to wait to cash it.

"That's fine." she said, looking at him as if challenging him. "You can leave now and never come back." she protectively held Quinn's arm as she spoke.

His eyes narrowed as he looked between them. “Don’t think I’m gone for good.” He stomped down off the porch towards his car.

“Russell!” Quinn called out, making him stop in his tracks and turn around to see her glaring down at him, “You come back here and I will kill you. Stay away from me and this place.” Her eyes were cold and for a moment, he didn’t doubt her, “I’m not afraid of the consequences if it rids the world of scum like you.”

“Don’t make threats you can’t keep, Quinnie,” he smirked, climbing into the car and roaring out of the driveway in a cloud of dust.

As soon as he was gone, Quinn slumped down in Rebecca’s arms with a soft sob. “I never want to see him again,” she whispered, “never...”

Rebecca dropped down to her knees and brought Quinn into her lap and rocked her back and forth like a mother should. "He's gone." she whispered, "I'll never let him hurt you again, okay?"

Quinn just nodded and curled into her lap, crying softly.

They’d been at the spa for a couple of hours. Cindy leaned back in her chair with a smile, enjoying the feeling of being pampered for once. She glanced over at where the lady was giving Santana a pedicure and reached a hand over.

“This isn’t so bad, right?” She smiled at her daughter, “Us getting nice and relaxed to get ready to take care of our girls when we get home?”

Santana nodded, she had opted out of most of the things that would require her to undress or be touched. "I'm just worried about Quinn...”

“So am I, sweetheart. Becca too, but they’re getting some good smelling lovers to come home and take care of them in a bit, remember? Say,” she smirked over at Santana, “did you remember your swimsuit like I suggested? Because this place has an amazing hot tub. And don’t worry, they like to cater to small groups - usually couples but families aren’t out of the picture - so it’d be just us. What do you say?”

Santana nodded, "I wore it under my clothing." she remarked, "Can you text Rebecca?" she asked shyly when her toes were dry. "See when we can come home?"

“Definitely, kiddo.” Cindy grinned, pulling out her phone and firing off a quick text. A couple moments later she got a response. Wait a couple more hours. Quinn needs to calm down and doesn’t want Santana to see her upset. “Looks like we’re to give it a couple more hours then it’ll be safe. What do you say we pick up dinner for our girls on the way home too?”

"Okay," Santana sighed, worried about her girlfriend but understanding why she had to leave.

“Say,” Cindy shifted in her chair to look more directly at her daughter, “how about we do something special for our ladies?” She smiled, “Don’t you think it’d be a special treat to bring them here for our anniversaries? And before you start about money, you’re my girl and I want you to give your girl a special night and help her relax because she’ll be knee-deep in first term when your anniversary rolls around.”

"I think she'd like that." Santana blushed, knowing that she and Quinn had already planned a naked anniversary.

Cindy gave a knowing chuckle at Santana’s blush, “I think I might just spin for a hotel room for you two too. Lord knows I do not want to hear what you’ll get up to on your anniversary night.” she teased, reaching over to nudge her daughter’s shoulder.

"Please, like you and Rebecca are any better!" Santana giggled, "We had to wear headphones to bed last weekend!"

Cindy grinned, happy to get a laugh out of the girl. "And we were being quiet too! You should hear us in a hotel." She winked, reaching over to give a conspiratorial nudge.

"Ew.. Mom!" Santana cringed as she covered her ears. "Don't wanna know!"

Cindy laughed, getting up out of her chair, "Come on, silly. Let's go see about that hot tub. Got to make sure it's good enough for your Quinn, right?"

Santana followed along, she changed quickly and slipped into the water so her body was not exposed to anyone's view for too long. She curled into herself in the tub and waited for Cindy to get into the water.

Cindy slid in in her red one piece with a groan of pleasure. "Oh, now this is living," she mumbled, resting her head back against the rim and stretching her arms out along it. "Relax, Santana. It's a private room. Just you and me."

Santana still didn't like anyone other than Quinn seeing her body, most importantly her scars. "It's not that... I just don't like not being dressed."

"Except with your girl," Cindy teased, "but, Santana, I'm not asking you to hop out and do jumping jacks, just relax a bit. I promise I'm not ogling your goods."

"Even with her... I prefer she doesn't look at me." She sniffled and slid up a bit in the water before resting her head on her propped up knee.

Cindy pried open an eye to peer concernedly over at her daughter. "Why's that? You think she won't find you attractive or something?"

"I don't know." she whispered, "My body is gross and it has all of these marks on it from other people that make her sad."

"Your body's not gross," Cindy snorted. "If you're gross, then I'm a total dog." She smiled lopsidedly at Santana, "It takes a while to get used to scars from people you wish you never met. Sometimes you get to be my age and still can't wear less than a one piece," she gestured at her swimsuit.

"I think that you’re pretty." Santana said softly, "you have skin like mine and Rebecca is always watching you when you’re together."

Cindy shrugged, "I've got a lot of wear and tear on this skin like yours, pretty girl. Not everyone likes people like us coming around. They like us even less when they think we're stealing what they view as their property. Their womenfolk, to be precise."

"I'm sorry people hurt you." She murmured, "Can... one day, can I see where you grew up? Do you have parents who are alive?"

"I do," Cindy nodded with a smile, "and I'd really like to show you around the reservation and introduce you to our people, Santana. Totally want to show off my daughter," she winked at her with a smirk. "Plus, you can meet Harry. He's my cousin, the one I told about. With HIV. He's married now and he sent an email saying they're expecting a baby soon. It's very exciting."

"He has a baby?" she smiled, "He's sick but he was still able to have a baby?" she whispered, "Without having to get his wife sick?"

Cindy nodded, "They had to be really careful and it was kind of expensive with all the tests and everything, but they really wanted a baby. Last I heard Sheila was doing great, the tests are all coming up clear and the baby's coming along fine."

"Wow," she said softly. She looked at her parent and smiled, "Quinn wants a baby with me someday."

"Does she?" Cindy smiled at her with a soft chuckle, "Well, it'll be a bit harder than how it worked with Harry since neither of you are guys, but who knows, maybe she could surrogate for you and a donor."

"She's gonna be pregnant and stunning," she smiled adoringly. "She's gonna be amazing as a parent."

"I would hope she'll be that way years in the future, Santana. I may like the idea of grandbabies, but please not soon. You two are more than enough for now."

"She needs to finish college first... And we just started... um, I don't think we're ready for anything like that."

"Oh good," Cindy breathed a only slightly affected sigh of relief. "So, mother-daughter bonding time. Anything you want to ask your old lady?"

Santana thought for a few minutes. "Can I ask a sex question?"

Cindy looked at her askance for a moment then shrugged and nodded, "Sure. Fire away."

"Um, am I broken if I don't get... Like, if I don't get like aroused when Quinn and I are kissing and I touch her?" Santana asked shyly, not understanding the difference between wet and aroused.

"Well, that depends on what you mean by aroused," Cindy moved to face Santana more directly. "I mean, she doesn't do anything for you? Doesn't make your heart beat faster or your knees to go weak?"

"No! God, she makes me not able to breathe... But like... She feels different than I do when I touch her," she said softly.

Cindy shrugged, "She's a different person than you, Santana. Nothing wrong with that. You and her are going to react in different ways. It's what makes being together so fun," she smirked. "Figuring out how to make both of you have fun. But I'm thinking that's not what you're worrying about so how about just come out with it?"

With an embarrassed groan, she looked down, "Quinn gets really wet and I don't. I'm scared to let her touch me because she will think that I don't like it."

"Oh is that all?" Cindy laughed, "I was starting to get worried it was something serious. Sweetie, there ain't nothing wrong with that. Some girls just don't get that wet. That's why lube was invented. As long as you can respond, how wet you get doesn’t really matter. But if you're really worried, we can talk to a doctor."

"I'm worried it's cause of what I used to do..." she played with her hands in the water. "I used to bleed all the time and I'm worried it got broken or something is wrong with me."

"San," Cindy sighed reaching over and taking her daughter's hand, "if you're worried, I promise you we'll go and see someone to be sure."

"I just want everything to be perfect for when Quinn touches me like that someday... I don't want to be scared that I'm broken or she gets her feelings hurt."

"Sweetheart, look at me and trust me." Cindy squeezed her hand and looked at her as earnestly as possible. "When that time comes, don't worry about any of that. When you're ready to let Quinn be with you all the way, it will be perfect. Even if nothing goes right and it's completely awkward and messy."

Santana smirked, remembering the first time with Quinn. "Mmhmm, it does get kinda intense and messy."

"Well, I guess you know then," Cindy smirked. "Don't worry so much. Quinn loves you and you love her. As long as you remember all that, you'll be fine."

She nodded and carefully out of the hot tub. Dark scars that marred her back and legs were visble before she wrapped a robe around herself.

"Hey, kid," Cindy offered, hoisting herself out of the water and not bothering to hide her back as she leaned over to dry her hair like she normally would, long ropy scars that lined her back from an asshole's belt buckle fully visible. "How about you and I go suit shopping for something that makes you more comfortable one of these days? I know a place that sells competition suits, and Lord knows I loved them when I was younger."

Santana looked up and ran her fingertips along the scars. "I’m really happy you're my mom." she said softly as she looked up.

Cindy shivered slightly at the touch, not really used to anyone but Rebecca touching her scars, before turning around to hug Santana. She pulled her robe on and smiled at the girl. “I’m really happy I get to call you my daughter,” she admitted softly, “I don’t thinking anyone else would be as perfect as you are for our odd little family.”

Santana nodded and wrapped herself tighter in the robe and wrung out her hair. "Can we bring pizza home for Quinn? She loves pizza."

Cindy wrapped and arm around Santana’s shoulders and hugged her close. “Of course we can. Want to get dressed and go set things up for our anniversaries so we can get home to our ladies?”

"Yes, please." Santana smiled as they headed into the locker room. She got dressed under her robe and ran her comb through her hair. Once finished she pulled her pills out of her bag and took them one by one with her water bottle as she waited for Cindy to finish getting ready.

It didn’t take Cindy long to get redressed in her jeans and button up long-sleeved shirt. She was stomping her heels down into her boots as she came over. “Come on. Let’s go talk to the service desk about our anniversaries and get that pizza ordered.”

Quinn was curled up in the bed she shared with Santana, Mr. Lamb tucked into her arms as she stared out the window. She’d been there since she’d managed to regain her composure after breaking down in her aunt’s arms and was just waiting for the one person who always made her feel better, after dealing with her father, to come home. Even fighting with Santana was better than the best moments with Russell Fabray.

When Santana got home she bolted up the stairs and into the bedroom. She carefully shut the door and slid into the bed behind Quinn. "I'm sorry I had to leave, I should have stayed to protect you." she said regretfully.

“No,” Quinn whispered, rolling over with a smile to pull Santana into her arms and nuzzle into her hair, “it was better this way. Mmm, you smell good.”

"I booked us a spa day for our anniversary," she smiled and kissed Quinn's head, "are you okay?"

“You did? Shouldn’t that have been a surprise?” Quinn teased, brushing feather light kisses over Santana’s neck and relishing having her close again. “I threatened to kill my father,” she admitted with a slightly hysteric giggle.

"I think that you... might be crazy." she smiled as she pressed a kiss to Quinn's nose. "Don't kill him, no going to jail... then I really can't see you."

“You didn’t see him... or hear the things he was saying about Aunt Becca or Cindy,” Quinn shook his head, “I just need him out of my life and you,” she smirked, rolling them so Santana was perched over her, “in it more. How was your spa visit with your mom?”

"It was fine... better if you were there and not dealing with him." she sighed, "We picked up pizza... I thought you'd need some cheese after today."

Quinn laughed, “You’re my hero. Now stop moping. I’ve done plenty of that and I’m done with him. I’m eighteen and Aunt Becca paid off all the money she owed him so no more Russell talk, okay?” She smiled hopefully up at Santana, “I’ve been laying here for the last two hours waiting for a special someone to come up here looking for a welcome home kiss, you know.”

"Really? Should I leave so they can come in?" she teased as she halfheartedly tried to move away.

“Well, if you don’t want a welcome home kiss,” Quinn let her voice trail off with a teasing smirk, pulling her hands away from where they’d been resting on Santana’s hips.

"Mmm, I thought you were waiting for your other lover." she smiled and leaned down to kiss Quinn. "Hi, baby," she said as she nipped at her lip.

Quinn hummed in appreciation of the kiss, opening her eyes to smile up at her lover. “If I ever was crazy enough to take another lover, you’d be the first to know because you’d be in the bed with me.” She reached up and brushed a hand through Santana’s hair with a soft smile, “But I wouldn’t because you’re easily enough for me. My Santana.”

"Not interested in threesomes, Quinn," she teased as she pressed another kiss to the girl’s lips. "You're the only one I want."

“As long as you want me,” Quinn smirked, tugging her lover down to kiss her properly, “you’re all that I want.”

Santana smiled and cuddled into her arms. "Forever." she whispered.

Chapter Thirty-Six

fic: the way to each other, universe: twteo, pairing: santana/quinn, co-writer: maura

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