Shooting the Rapids - Chapter Thirteen

Jan 30, 2012 20:08

Title: Shooting the Rapids
Author: Sio & Maura
Rating: NC-17
Length: 55,187 / 105,220
Spoilers: Possible mentions of up to Season 2 finale
Pairing: Rachel/Santana
Summary: The sequel to Standing on a Precipice. Rachel and Santana have managed to survive the turbulent waters of the loss of Jesse and the shocking truth hidden in Santana’s marriage. Now two years later, new troubles arise with Shelby taking a stand in defense of her daughter against Santana’s "corruption" and the involvement of the tabloids as the couple becomes more and more drawn into the public eye. Kayla’s success in gymnastics brings interest from an unexpected direction and Santana has decided she wants to try again for a child of her own. Can they survive as a couple and help their children thrive amidst the chaos?
Warnings (highlight to read): Pregnancy, angst, children, non-con and drugging and talks thereof in later chapters

Chapter Thirteen

It was nearly six in the morning when a soft knock on the door woke a sleepy Rachel who had taken up residence in the chair beside Santana's bed at some point during the night. She rubbed at her eyes and smiled at the nurse slipping into the room with the little pink bundle of their baby daughter.

"Hi there, mama." The nurse smiled at Rachel as she whispered, coming over to settle the baby into the woman's arms, "Your little girl was fussing and I thought you might like to hold her while I check on her mom."

"Thank you," Rachel murmured, settling back into the chair and settling Arianna against her chest with her ear set to listening to her heart. "Hello, pretty girl," she carefully stroked her fingers over the cap of soft black hair, "I hope you slept well."

The nurse glanced over at Rachel as she tucked the blanket back around Santana. "Mom should wake up and feed her little girl, but I think we're okay to let her sleep a little more as long as the little boss isn't fussing too much."

Rachel nodded, "We've got three of my own at home who'll be coming by later to meet their little sister. Don't worry, I know the signs of hungry baby."

"Okay," the nurse straightened her uniform, "just hit the button if you need any help, then."

"I will, thank you." Rachel smiled at her as she headed out the door. Settling back into the chair, she stroked their daughter's back as she watched her girlfriend sleep. "I love your mom so much, Arianna. She's the other half of my heart since your brothers and sister’s father died and I will do anything to make her and you and your siblings happy."

She nuzzled the top of the infant's head softly, "I'd marry her if she'd have me, but I'm happy just having her and now you in my life. You're our little miracle, Arianna."

Santana woke slightly when she got jarred by the nurse checking on her, but struggled to remain asleep. She wanted to wake up and see her beautiful girlfriend and baby but the birth took a lot out if her and she wanted to try to gather some strength. She whimpered slightly when she tried to roll over but found herself unable to move too much in her hazy sleep.

Rachel looked up from where she was gently brushing her fingers across their daughter's back with a tiny smile at the whimper. "I think someone might be resisting waking up to see you, baby girl."

Standing a little awkwardly to avoid jarring the baby too much, she made her way over to the bed, carefully lowering a rail with one hand as best she could and sitting on the edge. "Mom, someone wants to see you," she whispered, reaching out with her free hand to brush back her lover's hair.

Santana blinked open her eyes and looked at her girlfriend holding the baby. "It wasn't a dream?" She whispered leaning over slightly and pressing their lips together. "I missed you sleeping with me. Did you get some rest?" Santana ran her hand through her long tangled hair before she leaned over and pressed a kiss to the baby's head. "She smells so good," the new mother smiled.

"Definitely not a dream and I did," Rachel nodded toward the chair, "The nurses wanted me to leave and go home, but I promised to stay by your side." She smiled down at her girlfriend, handing off Arianna as the little girl began pawing at her chest and fussing. "I think our baby girl is hungry, Mom."

The woman smirked and tugged on her gown, resting the infant in her arms. She carefully urged the baby to latch on by rubbing her nipple against the baby's mouth until she began to suckle. Santana looked up at her lover and smiled tiredly, "Now you know how I felt when Alex was nursing." She smiled and put Rachel's hand on the baby's back as she happily ate. "Are the kids coming after school?"

Rachel rested her head on Santana's shoulder and watched their daughter eat with a soft smile. "They're coming as soon as visiting hours begin actually. I called their schools so they could have the day off." She glanced shyly up at Santana with a little smile, "It's not every day they get to meet their brand new baby sister after all."

"Spoiled little munchkins." She smiled fondly, resting her head on Rachel's. "I love you so much, Rachel. I never... never thought I'd be able to have this." She said sadly, "I thought... after everything that I'd never be able to do this or have this experience. I love the kids, but when I found out I could have a baby... I was was so scared and so excited and you did this... You help us get our baby." She looked at her, her eyes filling with tears. "I love you so much."

Rachel leaned over and kissed Santana softly. "That's my job, Santana. I'm your girlfriend and I love you so much it hurts sometimes. It's my job to do my best to make your dreams come true. And this one?" She brushed her fingers over the sleepily suckling infant's back, "I couldn't be happier to be a part of this, love. And just so you are perfectly aware," she grinned impishly, "I am going to have so much fun calling you mom around her."

Santana chucked softly, "I'm sure you are." She smiled as she shifted her focus to looking to the baby. "Alex is going to be in love with you. We're never going to hold her again when he comes into her life." She pointed out.

Rachel laughed softly, "I think he was in love with her as soon as he was certain he had a baby sibling growing in your belly. He is entirely enamored of the idea of being a big brother." She kissed Santana's shoulder, squeezing her gently, "But I'm certain you'll still get your special mom and baby alone time with this precious little girl."

The darker woman smiled and snuggled closer to her girlfriend. "So will you." After several moments when the soft grunting and sighing of the baby could be heard, Santana detached her and carefully rubbed the baby's back. "You need to sign the birth certificate today before we go home... and we need to get some new baby stuff since you wouldn't let me buy anything till she was born."

"Of course, love," Rachel responded, holding her lover close, "but consider that now we know what size of clothing to get her. She is such a tiny little thing after all, though I think some of Alex's old things may fit in a pinch."

"I mean she's a baby, we don't need a lot. We still have Alex's stuff for the most part but we should take Kayla to help us... I don't want her to feel left out."

"I think that sounds perfect. Kayla is so excited to have a little sister after the boys." Rachel kissed Santana's cheek, "The two of you can have some one on one time if you think you can trust me with our girl and the boys for a couple hours."

"Of course. You're her mom." Santana replied, her hands rubbing the baby's back slowly as she spoke. "It's almost visitation, you might wanna go sign the kids in."

"I'm just mama, you're her mom." Rachel kissed Santana's cheek before wiggling out from behind her. "I'll go get our little rascals."

The darker woman's eyes where glued on the tiny bundle in her arms. "Okay," she smiled. "Did you call Beth? She wanted to know..." she said distractedly.

“Of course I called Beth.” Rachel rolled her eyes with an amused smirk, “And she will be visiting after school.” Leaning over she kissed Santana over their baby girl, “I even called your father and the children’s other grandparents and emailed a first photo of our beautiful girl to the interested parties who, unlike your father - who, as I understand it, is likely boarding a plane now - cannot make the trip up.”

"My dad’s coming?" Santana smiled looking up from the baby. "Really?" she beamed as she looked at her lover. "Thank you... Now go get the kids before Ari starts screaming."

“Of course your father is coming, Santana.” Rachel smirked, “You honestly believe he would stay away after his little girl gives birth for the first time? I’m going to go get our other children but I’ll be back.” She kissed Santana one more time, dropping a gentle kiss to the top of Arianna’s head before smiling and heading out the door.

Santana slid up the bed a bit so she could better see the kids when they came in. She adjusted the infant in her arms and smiled, "Ready to meet your big sister and brothers? Kayla is so smart and sweet, Caleb is genuine and sensitive and Alex... Alex is already your best friend, baby. They're really good kids. They'll love you so much."

It was almost twenty minutes later before a soft knock announced the arrival of three cautious heads peeking around the door frame while their amused mother watched. Alex, the most adventurous of the trio, was the first to come in, clambering carefully up onto the chair his mother had slept in and onto the bed beside Santana. He leaned over her lap, carefully inspecting his new baby sister before looking up at Santana with a hopeful expression as his siblings came in.

“I hold, Mommy? I be careful...”

Santana kissed his cheeks and nodded, situating the boy on her legs facing her and holding out his arms. "Like this, baby," she smiled placing the content infant in his arms. "This is Arianna Lior St James-Lopez. Your baby sister."

“Hi, Ari,” he murmured, “I'm Alex, your big brother.” He looked down at her in amazement, cuddling her close to his chest. “She itty, Mommy. Itty and warm. Not like baby doll.”

“She’s really tiny, Santi.” Kayla said, coming up beside the bed and reaching out to poke at one of the baby’s tiny hands, laughing when it curled around her finger. “She got me!”

Cale stood nervously by the door, looking worriedly between Santana and the baby before tugging on his mother’s shirt. “Mama, Santa’s not gonna forget me, right?”

Rachel smiled and crouched beside him and gave him a hug, “There’s no way she could forget you, little man.” Scooping him up, she stood with a soft grunt - even as the smallest boy, he was getting a bit heavy for her to carry around, “How could she possibly forget her Batman buddy?”

"She is little. She was so excited to meet you all that she came a few weeks early!" she smiled, her eyes trying to read Kayla's face for distress. "She knows you’re her big sister and brothers. Cale? Come see the baby?"

Cale nodded, letting Rachel carry him over and set him on the bed beside Santana. He leaned into her, sucking on his finger and watching the baby for a moment before looking up at Santana. “I’m still your boy, right? You still love me?” He looked worried and unsure where his place was.

Kayla was wiggling the little girl’s hand around, watching the tiny hand gripped onto her finger with an amazed little smile when she heard her brother. “Don’t be silly, Caley. Of course she does. She’s like Mama. Mama didn’t stop loving us because she had Lex.”

"I will love you forever. We just have Arianna to join our family. You and Alex are her big brothers and Kayla’s her big sister. I still love you all and so does your mom." Arianna opened her eyes as Santana was talking and focused vaguely on Cale with a small yawn.

Cale waved at her shyly. “Hi, Arianna,” he whispered, leaning on Santana. “She has pretty eyes.”

Alex had been sitting quiet, just watching his baby sister and holding her protectively. When she opened her eyes, he nodded and looked up at Santana with a determined face. “I protect Ari,” he wasn’t as articulate as his older siblings, but his little voice was firm and certain, “I protect her always, Mommy.”

“We’re all gonna protect her, silly.” Kayla stuck her tongue out at her littlest brother. “She’s the tiniest of us.”

Alex shook his head, looking as fierce and determined as a three year old could. “No. I protect! My job!”

Santana chucked and kissed him. "You are all of our protector, Alex." she ruffled his hair with a smile. "we protect each other, okay? No matter what."

“Okay,” he looked uncertain, but nodded, hugging Ari until she gurgled a protest, “but I protect Ari most.”

Kayla just rolled her eyes and climbed up on the bed to sit on the other side of Santana from Cale. “Silly boy.” She hugged Santana, letting her head rest on the woman’s shoulder for a moment, watching Ari who still had a grip on her finger. “Thank you for letting me have a baby sister, Santi.”

"Gentle, Alex." Santana warned, looking over to check if she was okay before resting tiredly back with Kayla. "My pleasure, K." she smiled, "Want to hold her?"

“Can I?” She looked shyly excited at the idea.

“Let your sister have a turn with Ari, Alex.” Rachel murmured, from the chair she’d taken once she’d settled Cale beside Santana. The little boy looked like he was about to protest until his mama raised a brow at his near defiance. He pouted, but he let the baby be taken from his arms, hazel eyes watching intently every move she made away from him.

Santana settled the baby into Kayla's arms. "You’re a pro at holding babies after these two." Santana smiled. "There you go." She pulled Alex to sit closer to her, a bit sad that Cale seemed disinterested.

Kayla smiled down at the baby girl, “Hi there, Arianna. I’m Kayla and we’re gonna have lots of fun together when you get bigger, okay?” She leaned down and kissed the baby’s forehead. “You’re the best little sister ever already.”

Cale watched everything that was going on with nervous eyes, sucking on his finger and leaning into Santana. He wasn’t sure how things would change now that the baby was born, but he was scared that he’d lose the affection and attention he’d been getting from Santana for the last few years. His mama was busy all the time with Kayla and Alex stuff, but he’d had his Santa to hang out with and play with so it had been okay. Now there was another baby and it was Santana’s and he was worried all of that would go away as the woman became more and more involved with her child and had less and less time for the middle boy.

Santana snuggled into Cale and dropped a kiss to his head. "We got ourselves a Batgirl," she whispered to him. "You and Robin ready to take on a new ward?" she reached down to hold his hand.

Cale looked up at Santana worriedly, but squeezed her hand and snuggled closer with a little nod. “Uh-huh. I guess so. You’ll still play with me, right? Won’t forget me?”

"Cale? You're Like my BFF... I need you around to play with me! So you still want to play with me still?"

He nodded slowly with a shy smile, “Uh-huh. I don’t wanna stop playing with you, Santa.” Hesitant, he reached out to brush his fingers over the baby’s hair while his sister was cooing over her. “She’s soft, Santa. I think she’s littler than Alex was. Maybe we... maybe we can all play when she’s bigger?” He worried at his lower lip, “She’ll get bigger, right?”

"I think she'll always be small like your mom, but yeah we can play with her." Santana smiled, "Te amo, Cale."

“Te amo, Santa,” he murmured, petting his baby sister’s hair with a soft smile while leaning up against Santana. “I think Mama’s sleeping.”

Rachel had scooted the chair around so she could fold her arms on the bed’s railing and watch her family interact with the newest member. At some point though, the weariness of waking up periodically though the night and sleeping in the chair crept up on her. Her head rested on her folded arms, a little smile on her lips, as she slept.

"Mmhum. She's tired, baby." she smiled, cuddling with all four children making her amazingly happy.

Rachel murmured something that could have been Santana’s name in her sleep, shifting slightly in the awkward position she’d managed to fall asleep in. Alex forwent admiring his baby sister for a moment to look up at Santana. “You come home soon? You and Ari and Mama? I miss you and Mama, Mommy.”

"Mama is coming home tonight." she said running her fingers through his hair. "I have to stay here with Arianna so that she can eat when she's in the hospital. Because she was early she needs to be watched over."

Kayla looked up from Ari like she wasn’t so sure about Santana’s assurance their mother would be coming home tonight. “Santi, are you sure? Mama doesn’t like when you’re not home. Are you sure she’s coming home tonight?”

“Yeah,” Cale looked up at Santana, nodding, “she gets sad when you’re not home, Santa. It makes me sad. And I miss you too.”

"I know but I'm insisting that she goes home," Santana nodded, "I get sad too, but she also needs to go shopping so I need you guys to help her." she looked at Kayla, "I need you to help her get ready for our baby girl to come home."

Ari started fussing and Santana took her back and draped a cloth over her breast so she could nurse the infant.

Alex wiggled until he was laying on his belly, looking up at Santana and Ari. “I hold Ari when you home, Mommy? Love Ari lots and lots.” He reached out and tickled one of her tiny feet.

“You gotta be supervised, Lex.” Kayla replied, reaching over and messing his hair up, making him scowl. “You’re too little to hold her alone. If your arms get tired and you drop her cause you’re alone, you’ll feel awful. That’s what Mama told me when I was little with Caley and you.” Glancing up at Santana through her black rimmed glasses, she grinned, “I like shopping, Santi. Can we go find something for Ari when you come home? You and me?”

"That's right, baby girl. We can go get her lots of stuff and Alex and Cale can babysit with your mom." she smiled before adjusting to cover her breast. "Cale, will you help me decorate Ari’s room?"

“I’m not your baby girl any more,” Kayla pointed out wistfully, reaching over to gently stroke Ari’s back. “She is.”

"You always will be." Santana pouted as she looked at Kayla. "Age does not get you out of that!"

Cale nodded after thinking about it for a moment. “Uh-huh. Can we put Batman in her room?” He sucked on his finger for a moment before offering shyly, “She can have my Batman blankie. Do you think she’d like that?”

“I think she’ll love it, baby.” Santana whispered, hugging Cale with one arm and kissing the top of his head.

“Why are you crying, Santa?” He asked, reaching up a wiping away the tears.

“Yeah,” Alex added, looking worried, “don’t cry, Mommy. Ari’s okay!”

"Baby hormones." she sniffled before removing the infant from her breast. "I'm just really happy, okay?"

“Okay.” Cale and Alex both wiggled up until they could plant kisses on either of her cheeks. “I like when you’re happy, Santa,” the older boy smiled, sitting back down. “If Ari’s done eating, can I hold her?”

Kayla was clambering off the bed and padding over to Rachel’s side as her brothers spent time with Santana and the baby. Tugging on her mom’s shirt, she tried to pull her back away from the bed. “Mama, wake up.” She shook her slightly, “You’re gonna get all stiff sleeping like that.”

Rachel stirred, blinking sleepily at Kayla before sitting up with a yawn and wiping at her eyes. “I fell asleep?”

Santana settled the baby between the boys with a smile. "Wanna take a nap with her?"

Cale’s brow furrowed, “Don’t wanna take a nap, Santa. It’s early and I’m not tired. Maybe Lex does though?”

“I nap with Ari.” Alex nodded, snuggling beside the baby girl.

Cale sighed and worked his way over to the edge of the bed to try and slide off. He wanted to get to hold the baby like his brother and sister got to, but he understood nap time. “Mama, can I sit in your lap?”

Rachel blinked in confusion, reaching for her oldest son. “Of course, sweetheart.”

Once Alex fell asleep she moved to take the infant and carefully took the baby to Cale. "Here you go." she knelt down with some effort and settled the infant in his arms. "Don't let him hog her, okay? She's your baby sister too."

Cale shifted his arms to better cradle the tiny girl, snuggling into his mom’s lap and smiling down at the little girl. “Hi, Ari,” he whispered. “I’m your biggest brother even if I’m little like you. I’m gonna take good care of you, okay?” He hugged her, pressing his cheek against the black fuzz of her hair.

Rachel wrapped her arms around the both of them, leaning back into the chair as Kayla leaned over her shoulder to hold the baby’s hand with two fingers. “I told you they’d love her, beautiful.” She smiled at her lover. “And that she’d be perfect. But you should get back into bed. It’ll already take almost two months to heal from bringing your little girl into the world, no need to tear something and make it last even longer.”

Santana's eyes flicked up. "What?" she carefully got up and looked at her girlfriend. "Two.. months for... Oh." she dejectedly. She got onto the bed and pouted.

The smaller woman chuckled softly, resting her chin on Cale’s head. “Don’t feel so bad, Santana. I’ll give you extra cuddles while you’re healing and you’ll get to cuddle with your precious girl and these other three too. Besides, I know that I certainly didn’t feel interested in any rigorous activity until I healed properly. Entirely too sensitive and painful to even imagine.”

Santana continued to pout on the bed as ale played with her IV. "I guess..." she sighed dramatically, "but I'm gross and fat right now and that's fine.." she fixed her gown and tried to run her fingers through her hair and tried to clear out the mats.

Rachel rolled her eyes and stood, turning to settle Cale in the chair with Kayla and an admonishment to keep the baby safe, before turning back to Santana with a smile and climbing onto the bed. “You’re not fat,” she kissed her softly, “or gross. You’re a beautiful brand new mother and I love you more than my own life. Let me take our three oldest home and I’ll bring back your brush and shampoo so we can wash your hair and brush it out so you’re comfortable, okay?”

She rested her forehead against Santana’s smiling softly, “You’re so beautiful, Santana Lopez.” She combed her fingers through her lover’s hair, doing her best to miss the worst tangles. “And before you argue about my coming back, I need to see you before I sleep. I don’t sleep well without you, but I’ll do my best as long as I can at least spend some time with you before then.”

"Okay." Santana whispered, she kissed Rachel softly much to the distress of the children making gagging sounds to the left. "Come back soon." she whispered, mildly frightened to be all alone with the newborn.

Rachel climbed off the bed, scooping up the sleeping boy on her way. "I'll always come back to you as quickly as I can, Santana. Come on, guys. Let Santana have some one on one mother-daughter time with Arianna, okay?"

Cale nodded, handing the sleeping baby gingerly to his sister who walked her over and handed her to Santana after kissing her forehead. "We're making paintings for her nursery. Lex is getting help from Bethie, but we're all doing our best, Santi. Come home soon, ok?"

"It will be perfect, baby," she whispered as cupped Kayla's face. "Be good alright? I'll be home soon." She waved to Cale and smiled, "Goodnight, I'll call before you go to bed okay?" She blew them a kiss and watched them leave. She cuddled her daughter and sang softly to the little carmel bundle in her arms.

Chapter Fourteen

universe: precipice, future!fic, pairing: rachel/santana, co-writer: maura, fic: shooting the rapids, kidfic

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