Eh...its pretty good.
Apart from the canon. Or should I say, the complete ignorance of canon.
Yes, they picked the cast well. McCoy especially so. I mean hell, they even got the inflections downpat.
Yes, the plot was good and kept me on the edge of my seat.
But for fucks sake. The canon was mauled. I know there was alternate timelines mentioned....but still.
As far as I am aware, there was never an attraction between Spock and Uhura in the original series. And where the hell is Kirk's service on the Farragut prior to the Enterprise?
The Kobayashi Maru scenario was well done as well.
Look, all in all - it was well done. Done really gritty too, a nice touch.
Not the best Trek movie I have seen, but it isn't bad. The canon abuse was what lost it points in my view (makes me look like a massive geek but meh), but hey.
Not bad...