Aug 05, 2013 06:26

I had to work yesterday, so I missed the party in Doctor Who fandom.  (It took a couple hours of scrolling through Tumblr and the interwebs and watching the recording of The Announcement to catch up).

And I actually had to do *work* at the office, so it was a bit after the big reveal when I found out who is playing 12.

Like alot of fans, I was like, “Peter what?"

Then I saw his pic, and then it was, “Torchwood! Children of the Earth!  Ooo, cool!"   And I watched ‘The Hour’ a couple of months ago, but honestly, I don’t really remember him much from Fires of Pompeii.

I think he’ll make a good Doctor, and I’m pleased they picked an older guy this time (Three is my second-favorite Doctor).  Capaldi is just… odd enough to be right for the Doctor.  Plus he was a Whovian when he was a kid! woohoo!

12 Doctors now.  I’m showing my age (world’s oldest fangirl here), but when I came into the fandom, there were only 4.  Tom Baker is *my* Doctor, my first Doctor.

Regenerations are so amazing, I’m sure they’re a big part of the reason DW has been around so long.  It gives the show the ability to re-invent itself and keep things fresh.

So I’m flailing and fangirling now….!!!!

I’ll save my griping about Moffat’s comments for another day…. :-/

doctor who

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