George Takei

Apr 06, 2013 14:16

I discovered a new reason to be on Tumblr....

George Takei (a,k.a. Hikaru Sulu from 'Star Trek: The Original Series') has a blog on Tumblr.

Being the long-time Trekker/Trekkie that I am, I had to follow him!

Back in the day, when I went to Trek cons (back when they were mostly fan-run and you could actually get an autograph or photo without being charged a small fortune for it...), I saw him at a couple of cons.  I think I was even at the same room party with him one time (along with about 100 other people) but didn't actually get to talk to him.   He was always a friendly guy, great to the fans.  He used to invited fans to come running with him (very early in the a.m.!) and a few people took him up on it.  I was *not* one of them, too much of a couch potato, lol.

And he's still a cool guy, and was always politically active, now even moreso since he came out.

He's on Facebook too, but I don't 'facebook'.... but that's a post for another day.

Anyhow, George mostly posts macros and puns.

I found this (below) on his Facebook page and laughed myself silly, and had to pass it along here.

"  The level of pain this may cause cannot be understated."  - George Takei

geek, tumblr, star wars, lotr, harry potter, star trek

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