Fanfic & OFC rant

Jan 08, 2013 18:36

Sometimes it really pisses me off that there's such a prejudice against OFCs in fanfic/fandom circles.

For at least a year now, I have written absolutely nothing.  Not one frakking word.  But seeing 'The Hobbit' changed all that, and has gotten the plot bunnies hopping again.  I love LOTR, and I was so happy with the new film that it's taken over my brain.

I've got a little post-film ficlet in the works, but there's another fic that I've been writing that's really had me banging away at the keyboard the last couple weeks.

It started out as a PWP (dwarf prince Thorin meets tavern wench, lol), but 25000+ words later and still typing, it's morphed into something else entirely (although there is plenty of porn).  At the moment, though, it's not even a rough draft.  It's part prose, part shorthand, part script and part rambling stream-of-consciousness writing.  In other words, it's nowhere near finished, and it would probably take a considerable amount of effort to be worthy of posting here or on

But it'd be an OFC as one of the main characters, and I really don't know if I want to bother fixing it up enough to post, when I know that a lot of folks wouldn't even read it simply because it's an OFC.

I've only written one LOTR fic (Boromir/OFC), and stopped after that because of the negative attitude in LOTR fandom back in the day from the canon-nazis in in regards to OFCs.  I didn't get bad feedback about my fic, but I saw so much of it against other fics that it turned me off to LOTR fandom entirely (during the time the original trilogy was been screened).

So now I have the dilemma of whether to bother trying to clean it up enough to post.... or do I just keep it to myself in a drawer...?

Any other fanficers out there who feel this way too?

Why do we do this to ourselves?

Yea, I know all about MarySues -- but honestly, what is WRONG about writing a self-insert/OFC, or even a Mary Sue?   Isn't there room for that too in all the myriad of fanfic genres?   Why all the hate?

/end rant

On another (related) note, I've been looking for -- and happily finding -- Bagginshield (Thorin/Bilbo) fics.... Although I wouldn't call it my OTP... well, not yet anyway!

rant, writing, lotr, the hobbit, fanfic

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