The Hobbit, Tolkien-geekery, and RIchard Armitage

Dec 08, 2012 12:55

OMG, has it been *that* long since I posted here...!?

'The Hobbit' (part one) opens next week!  YAY!

I've been having a bit of a Tolkien-inspired geek-gasm in the past few days, and the movie hasn't even opened yet.  *g*

I'd read all the books ages ago, and had very much been a Tolkien nerd when I was in my teens/twenties.

Over the years, though, that part of my nerdy-ness waned from time to time, to the point I almost  (gasp!) gave away the books.

Thankfully I didn't, because when the LOTR movies came out, I was back to full-on nerdy Tolkien geekery again.

LOTR, The Hobbit, and The Unfinished Tales have been gathering dust again the past few years, but now they're off the shelf once more, since I feel the need to brush up on my dwarvish history!

I must confess I never paid much attention to the dwarves in Middle Earth... possibly because they've never been portrayed by such a sexy actor before...!

Yes, I've discovered the amazingness of Richard Armitage!  If you're in the UK, you've known about him for years, but (until a few days ago) I'd never seen 'North and South'. ... John Thornton... oh, MY! *swoon*

Thus, I'm SO looking forward to seeing Thorin Oakenshield brought to life on the screen.

From my re-reads of Tolkien, I realized that Thorin is a lot like Aragorn (my favorite in the books) -- a son of kings trying to reclaim the throne of his forefathers, and struggling with the weight of responsibility that task entails...

Is it the 14th yet!?
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