
Feb 11, 2005 18:07

From Mayden_dor's journal:

"List five people -- from television, movies, books, whatever -- that you had a crush on as a child (or early teens). Then post this on your Live Journal so other people can know what a dork you have always been"

Oh. Man. I was Dork to the CORE in junior high school....Wizzlie Sticks, You are free to add your comments on THIS one!

Christian Slater:

1)Yes, yes, - ohmygod - Am I really going to admit this to the WORLD? YES! I shall!

When my junior high school science teacher asked the class the "nicknames" they'd prefer to to be known as, I loudly proclaimed, "SLATER"!!!! As in Christian Slater. As in:

(Yeah, Baby....You Pumped up MY pre-pubescent volume!)

2)Also: (I was so sad when he died - Hippy boy, loved his drugs....I was sure he was going to be my husband!):

3) Okay. Here I really admit my doof-as-ness: I LOVED Axl Rose - That was, until I found out he was a wife-beater....Then I took all of my teenie-bopper pictures of him down (from my ceiling).

4) And, then, when I got older (and still now) - I find:

to be one of the HOTTEST men ever to exist....despite what he did to the Great Joplin.

5) But, of course, there is always THIS man, who is The Sexiest Man On Earth. Don't believe me? Go and see a "Paige and Plant" tour. I'd do him at ANY age:

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