(no subject)

Oct 06, 2010 22:31

I don't remember anything about the lymphoid system. This bothers me, since the CAs are two weeks away and there are something like 80 MCQs worth on biochem, histo and anatomy. Also, I finally went to do the radiology quizes today [quizes? quizzes?] and I realised i've forgotten some of the upper limb. I think I need to go back to writing things on my arm; I couldn't remember the order of flexor tendons on the wrist. On the other hand I could be freaking myself out, because yesterday I was filling in this worksheet prof raj gave us last month, and there were all these ridiculously small muscles that I couldn't recall, like the palmaris brevis and the abductor digiti minimi. Palmaris brevis?! Who's ever heard of that!!

And, and, I have not started on biochemistry.

AND tomorrow there are two lectures which are purportedly a waste of time, and PBL which is [a] tedious [waste of time], and Hokkien which I'm starting to think IS a waste of time because whatever I'm learning is so cheem that I probably couldn't communicate with old grannies in hospital if I tried.


The only thing I'm looking forward to tomorrow is clinicals. Except I have blue nails [by choice], which could possibly offend doctor and patient alike. My weak defence line would be: I only get to have blue nails once!

Oh, and my throat is swollen, so I suppose it's a good thing I'm, uh, seeing a doctor tomorrow. I spent most of the day sleeping so hopefully I'll heal faster.

bad days, medicine, life in general

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