Remus/Sirius -- The Revolving Door (pt 1 of 2) (NC-17)

Jul 14, 2005 23:49

Title: The Revolving Door
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Remus/Sirius
Kink(s): Masturbation and rimming
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day two
Words: 1569
Notes: Reposting of the LMoMM fic - Day Two

There were downsides to living in the small flat in Kensington with Sirius, and Remus J Lupin knew every single reason all too well. Between the messes, the booze and the constant stream of women Sirius always brought home, Remus never had a moment of peace. The downsides most women (and undoubtedly a few men as well) would not quibble about if given the choice of living in that small flat with the man who was quickly becoming the Wizarding World's Most Popular Bachelor. Or was that, the Wizarding World's Most Popular Bastard?

Of course he was pleasant to look at. There was no doubt in Remus's mind of that. Remus was more than glad Sirius was so confident with his body and loved to strut around half nude (or when he was completely pissed, completely nude much to Remus's delight). It was on those occasions that he was afforded a complete view of that perfectly sculpted body, perfect chest unmarred by scars like his was. Remus certainly didn't complain about those little things. He took in every small detail, filing it away in the back of his mind for later dates and other moments when he'd wank, pretending it was Sirius's hand wrapped around him and not his own.

He just would overlook the fact that Sirius always brought women home and never males. Well, other than the one time he and that Seventh Year Ravenclaw had shagged, but Remus was sure that was simply a fluke. The next morning Sirius had awoken with the worst hangover Remus had ever seen him with. Either Sirius had been completely pissed that night or he was one hell of a good actor.

Given those aspects, there were a few good things about living with Sirius Black as a flatmate.

No, the worst thing about living in a dorm with Sirius Black was having to hear him fuck each and every one of his conquests when the two of them were too enraptured with each other to remember to put up a bloody silencing charm.

Then again, there was one good thing about hearing Sirius and his revolving door partners in the other room. Remus had the voice to go with the fantasies that played about in his head.

And thus it was on a Saturday night: Remus had retreated to his bedroom before Sirius even returned home for the night. Remus had found over the course of the past month or so that it was easier when he didn't see who Sirius's partners were. The anonymity helped to ease his pain with the whole situation. It also helped him to imagine that it was he beneath Sirius then as well.

Soon Sirius's shouts filled the small flat. Remus ignored the higher pitched voice and easily blocked it from his mind as his hand snaked down his bare chest. All it took was to closing his eyes and he could easily pretend it was Sirius's hands running over his chest and lightly tweaking his nipples. He gave one an experimental pinch, rolling the bud between his thumb and forefinger finally bringing himself to full arousal.

Remus ran his left hand down his stomach and lower, rubbing his hand achingly slow over his groin. He teased himself as he knew Sirius would tease if he were here. At last when the tension in his belly became too much, Remus quickly unzipped his trousers and wrapped a hand around his cock; at last feeling the first sense of relief. He placed a hand over his mouth to muffle his own cries.

"Care if I join you?"

Remus abruptly stopped stroking himself, knowing just how vulnerable he looked: his trousers open just enough to free his cock, cock standing erect with his hand around it and a hand over his mouth to keep from being heard as he pleasured himself. Sure, men wanked. When they were back at Hogwarts, the four of them used to sit around and look at the magazines James swiped from his cousin one Christmas Holiday and wank together. The first time it was awkward but the more they did it, the more it was just friends "helping each other out."

This, however, was completely different. This was getting off while listening to your best friend having sex with some unknown bird.

Glancing from Sirius to the duvet he was laying on, Remus carefully shifted and pulled the covers out from under himself. He haphazardly threw the covers across his hips to at least give himself some sense of dignity. However, Remus could have sworn he saw a look of regret flash across Sirius's face.

"What about the bird you brought home?" Remus asked. "I don't do threesomes."

Sirius bit his lip, about to point out that he nearly did fifth year when he and James got him very drunk but he refrained from saying anything on the subject. "She left," he replied with a shrug of his shoulders. "Birds don't sleep over. That's the rule, remember? Your rule if I remember correctly."

Remus nodded dimly, wishing that Sirius would just turn around and leave so he could finish his wank and leave him in peace.

"You didn't answer my question."

Remus blinked. "What question?"

"Care I join you?" Sirius asked again, a hint of impatience seeping into his voice.

"You were serious?" Remus asked, his eyes widening slightly.

"Yes, I'm Sirius."

Remus reached behind his head and threw a pillow at Sirius's head none too gently. "That pun wasn't funny the first time you used it. It's become less and less funny the more you use it you know. Next time you use it, I'm considering hexing you impotent for twenty-four hours."

With a grin, Sirius moved towards Remus and sat down on the edge of the bed. "That would be a cruel and unusual punishment, Moony. And,” he added, “maybe if you stopped responding like you do, I wouldn't keep using the pun."

So maybe he had a point. Remus glanced at Sirius who was currently sitting slightly too close for comfort. He shifted under the covers, realising just how vulnerable he was.

"I'll make it up to you," Sirius said, sliding across the bed and flipping the covers back, completely exposing Remus.

Suddenly, the realisation that every one of Remus's fantasies was about to come true didn't have the same appeal that it would have had under the normal circumstances of Sirius being completely sober. Remus could smell the faint trace of alcohol on Sirius's breath and he dimly wondered just how much liquor Sirius had to drink.

"Easy, Remus," Sirius murmured, his tongue flicking out to tease head of Remus's cock. "Just lie back and Padfoot will take care of you."

Easier said than done.

The hands that Remus had so often dreamed of were soon trailing over every inch of his chest as Sirius's tongue played along his cock. The fact that Sirius may be drunk didn't matter so much any more. Remus would take as much as he could get right now.

His hands threaded through Sirius's hair and found that it was as soft as it always looked from a distance. Remus fought to keep his eyes open; wanting to keep every moment in his memory for the rest of his life. This wouldn't be a repeat performance; he knew that much in the back of his mind.

Sirius's mouth left Remus's cock and Remus couldn't contain the whimper of loss that escaped his lips. Sirius chuckled and placed a light kiss to his stomach.

"Roll over."

"Mmm... wha...?" Remus asked, for once not quite the most coherent of the two.

Sirius chuckled deep in his throat. "Just roll over. You'll see."

Not one to argue, Remus did as he was told. Sirius's chuckle turned to a low growl and it wasn't until Remus felt the kiss on the low curve of his spine that he knew just what Sirius was up to. He opened his mouth to protest but all words died in his throat when the first flick of Sirius's tongue was felt just inside his arse.

Remus groaned, lifting his hips up into the air to give Sirius a better angle. Sirius mumbled something which Remus assumed was an appreciative 'thank you' before his tongue slipped inside him and Remus's world exploded. Nothing existed for Remus beyond Sirius's tongue working inside him in long strokes and the quick strokes of Sirius's hand on his cock.

It wasn't long before Remus came, spilling over Sirius's hand. His flatmate pulled back, an odd smile on his face as he pulled out his wand and whispered a cleaning charm over the two of them. Remus rolled onto his side and watched as Sirius slipped off the bed and left the room, closing the door behind him without a second look back.

No parting words of goodbye, no nothing.

In the morning, he wasn't sure what would happen. Knowing Sirius, the other man would play it off as if it was nothing; as if a blow job and rimming meant absolutely nothing. Sex was sex; there were no emotional attachments.

How could Remus have let it go so far and not stopped it?

Remus curled up on his bed, drawing his knees up to his chest.

Suddenly Remus knew what it felt like to be a member of the Sirius Black Revolving Door club.


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