Bill/Tonks, Remus -- The Dinner Party (R)

Jul 12, 2005 02:23

Title: The Dinner Party
Rating: R
Pairing: Bill/Tonks, Remus
Kink(s): Fairly non-kinky but there is voyeurism.
Challenge: Lusty Month of May Marathon, day one
Words: 1818
Notes: Written originally for the Lusty Month of May marathon. This is a repost of the first day's fic.

A bottle of wine clutched in one hand, Remus soon found himself on the front stoop of Nymphadora Tonks's new flat. She had instructed Remus in no uncertain terms that he was 'to show up at her flat for dinner tonight or else.' as the young woman had said, tapping her foot and glaring at him earlier that day. When Tonks glared and gave him that 'look', Remus knew to simply nod, smile and say that yes, he would be there at 8pm sharp.

And yes, at five minutes to eight according to his watch, Remus stood on the front porch, shuffling his feet. Dinner at Tonks's wasn't exactly on Remus's list of things he wanted to do on a Friday night. Spending time with Dora? Wonderful. There was nothing he would rather do. Over the course of the past year and a half he had developed a certain fondness for the young woman. However, a fondness for anyone, no matter how dear did not erase a certain feeling of impending doom when asked over to dinner of a known klutz's house, especially when said klutz was going to cook.

Dinner was all well and good, but when Tonks said she was cooking, Remus couldn't help but feel a certain amount of trepidation.

He hesitantly sniffed at the air and was pleased to find that an undercurrent of burnt food was not wafting through the air. In fact, as he took another sniff, Remus couldn't smell anything cooking.

'Bother. If she forgot about the flat warming dinner tonight we're going to have a talk. Especially after she threatened me...' Remus thought with a sigh, shifting his weight from one foot to another.

Worst case scenario, he could whip up a few things. And if that was the worst case scenario, things couldn't get much worse. At least then, he was assured of having something to eat.

Remus raised his hand to knock and quickly found that the door had wasn't shut all the way but rather was simply ajar. Instantly, an odd feeling settled in the pit of Remus's stomach. He would have rather gone for his wand but figured that the wine bottle was as good a weapon as anything. Unless of course the person he was facing was another witch or wizard, then the wine bottle wouldn't do much good...

Stepping into the flat, his eyes darting about, Remus attempted to remain as silent as possible. He almost traded the wine bottle for his wand a second time but he didn't want to risk alerting an intruder to his presence with any clink of glass against wood. He'd just have to trust his senses and strength against whatever he happened to come up against. In the back of his mind he wished Sirius was here so at least there was two of them to face whatever there was but of course Sirius had managed to get out of tonight's little soirée.

It was just him and... whatever was behind door number three.

Remus could hear soft grunts coming from behind a closed door at the end of the hall. His hand closed tighter around the wine bottle as he picked up his pace. Who knew what those bastards were doing to his Tonks.

There was no time to waste in being cautious. The wine bottle held above his head; Remus flung open the door.

Nothing could have prepared Remus for what he found inside.

Limbs were tangled together and from the muscular back and long shock of red hair that he could see, Remus knew it had to be Bill. Bill... on top of Tonks. Remus could do nothing but stand in the doorway in complete and total shock as he watched Bill ride Tonks; the only sound in the room were their combined moans and Remus's soft pants watching them.

Tonks's fingernails ran down Bill's back and from the way she tossed her head to the side, Remus knew she certainly wasn't in pain. In complete and total love from the look on her face was a more accurate description. When she had started dating (or sleeping with rather) Bill, Remus had no idea. It had to be a while though, judging from the display before him.

All at once, Remus and Tonks somehow met gazes. Tonks snapped out of whatever daze she was in and let out a bloodcurdling scream. It was the scream Remus had expected to find earlier; save the fact that this time he was the cause of it.

Remus hadn't realised he had become so enraptured watching them make love; following the long lines of Bill's body with his eyes: the way his back narrowed by his hips, the taught line of his arse... everything about him. Remus flushed slightly, knowing full well that he was hard beneath his trousers and that there was no way to hide his erection. Just thinking about it made him almost flush darker red. He was aroused watching a girl (who was young enough to be his daughter if he swung that way) and her boyfriend make love.

He was not that hard up for sex.

Was he?

"I'll... just wait out... outside..." Remus managed to squeak out, never being that embarrassed since the first time he walked in on James and Lily having sex in the Gryffindor Boy's Dormitory.

Remus quickly exited Tonks's bedroom before she could say another word. He had half a mind to leave her flat completely, feigning a headache (well, he was beginning to feel one forming behind his eyes) and go home for the night where he could just crawl under the covers and pretend he didn't exist. Frankly, that wasn't seeming like too bad of an idea.

The worst part of the whole thing was that he hadn't left the moment he walked into Tonks's bedroom. No; instead he had stayed inside and watched as Bill thrust into Tonks, his hands roughly palming her breasts. He had felt himself grow hard watching the sweat run down their bodies; seeing one lone bead of sweat run down the valley between Tonks's breasts and watched, fascinated as Bill's long tongue greedily lapped up the lone drop of moisture.

If he was alone and not standing in the hallway just outside of Tonks's bedroom, he would have had the most beautiful vision to wank to. It would be the first time Sirius wouldn't have featured promininetly in his fantasies but he was sure Sirius would forgive him this one indiscretion. After seeing such an erotic scene, who wouldn't want that as a fantasy?

The bathroom really wasn't that far away and his hand was already sliding down to cup himself through his trousers. He could just slip inside, wrap his hand around his cock, give it a few good tugs and get rid of this blasted erection and --


He winced. If there was anything worse than catching Tonks in bed with Bill, it was being caught thinking about Tonks in a fantasy before wanking. He had been so enraptured with the thoughts of Tonks and Bill and seeking his own release that he had forgotten about formulating a plan of escape. Now there was no hope of getting out of her flat unscathed. So much for escaping with his dignity in tact.

"Are you decent?" Remus asked, still keeping his back to her. He slowly moved his hand away from his erection before she could see just where his hand was.

She laughed. "Remus, you just saw me completely nude with my boyfriend's co--"

"-- don't remind me," Remus interjected, somewhat shocked by Tonks's frank speech. "You're young enough to be my daughter."

Tonks laughed again. "True. Alright. I won't. But yes, I'm decent and Bill's in the bedroom getting dressed."

Remus turned around to see a completely dressed Tonks before him. Her hair was still mussed and somehow that didn't help matters and his mental picture of her from only a few minutes before, but he also knew it would be a long time before he completely erased the memory of Tonks and Bill... in bed...

Shaking his head, Remus made a move to hand her the bottle of wine that he was still holding.

"I should give this to you and just... get going. I didn't realise that you had company."

Tonks laughed and reached for the wine. Remus released the bottle thinking she had it. She of course, didn't and he watched at the bottle completely slid through her fingertips. Tonks lunged for the bottle and caught it just before it hit the floor. Her laughter came out in a small titter as she bit her lip.

"Glad Bill didn't see that. I dropped the last bottle of wine he gave me."

"I did see it." Bill's deep baritone voice came from behind them both. He slipped his arms around Tonks's waist, drawing her back against him. "And stay for dinner, Remus," Bill said with a smile. "I think this was Tonks's way of slowly 'introducing' everyone to her boyfriend. She calls it a flat warming party but in the end means it to be a 'meet the boyfriend' party." Bill shook his head, then kissed Tonks on the top of her head. "She just forgets that everyone knows me."

Remus chuckled. "This is true. But then again, our Tonks does love an excuse to party."

Tonks simply shrugged. "Can't blame a girl, can you?" The smile faded from her face slightly. "Though... Remus?"

Remus tilted his head to the side. "What is it, Dora?"

She ignored the nickname whereas Bill filed it away for later use. "This whole scene could have been avoided if you just would have shown up on time."

Remus furrowed his brow. "But I did. By the time I got here it was five to eight. You said eight sharp. Late dinner I'll grant you," Remus replied with a shrug. He lifted his wrist to look at his watch. "So by now it's..." he trailed off. "Five... to eight..."

Tonks couldn't help but giggle, a noise that sounded vaguely foreign coming from her mouth. "It's quarter to seven, Remus. I think your watch stopped."

The headache Remus felt coming on earlier finally burst in a flash of pain behind his eyelids. He rubbed his temples, wishing the floor could just swallow him up whole.

"No wonder I didn't smell anything cooking when I stood outside."

"That would do it," Bill said, hiding a laugh behind his hand.

Remus lifted his head to look at Tonks. "I think I've hung around you far too long, Dora," he said with a shake of his head. "Never knew that klutziness was something that rubbed off on a person."

Tonks waved a finger in front of Remus's face. "Uh-huh. I've yet to walk in on anyone."

Bill simply smirked at his girlfriend.


remus, bill/tonks

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